BYU-ARCLITE / Ayamel-Examples

A site which uses the resource library and provides example of the six levels of video playback.
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Edit Home Page for LMS Connectivity, and automatic email to BYU Creative Works. #779

Open JKJensen opened 8 years ago

JKJensen commented 8 years ago

The home page for Ayamel will be updated like the following: homepage-purchaseforyourschool2

When a user clicks on "Purchase for your school," it will open up a modal page that looks like this: email page requesting invoice

This is the text at the beginning of the dialogue box: Most of Ayamel’s features are free. However, schools can purchase a shared account which can connect Ayamel content and courses to a Learning Management System (LMS).

The Ayamel Teacher Dashboard feature should be grayed out and unable to be selected.

When a user inputs their information, it sends an email to containing the School name/Email/Choice/Comments.

BYU Creative works will handle payment and let us know when the school has paid. Once paid, we will create their enterprise account with proper permissions, and email the school with their username/password.

Principals will be purchasing access for one school and one account to be shared among all teachers of their school.

BYU Creative works will handle any issues of recurring payment reminders and we don't need to worry about making accounts with yearly expirations. If a participating school does not pay, we can manually go into their one account and either change their password or remove their permissions.

Current users of Ayamel that are using LMS will lose that access. Current users with a BYU CAS account will have automatic LMS access. I (Jeff) will go through and manually add CAS users after Ayamel updates with these features.

JKJensen commented 8 years ago

Okay, scratch that. We will implement a groups feature using school codes in the permission area.

This will involve creating user tags. groupsinayamel02

And eventually the creation of group leaders. groupsinayamel03

JKJensen commented 8 years ago

This is what the user will see on the permission page: permissionform

School Code is the Activation Code/Coupon Code we'll be using to tag users. (People naturally Google Coupon Codes + Website Name, so not naming it coupon code would be safer)

If possible add a hover over "help" modal that says the following: Certain schools have paid to access more features of Ayamel. If you have obtained a code from your school, please input it here.