BYU-ARCLITE / Ayamel-Examples

A site which uses the resource library and provides example of the six levels of video playback.
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Proposal for user account admin view/how user accounts will be organized #834

Open hutchibw opened 7 years ago

hutchibw commented 7 years ago

This is the current layout for the "user accounts" section in the Admin dashboard user accounts original

This is my proposal for how I think that we should change it user accounts prop 1

Here I have circled the main things that I have changed user accounts prop 1 with notes

List of things I think that we should change

  1. Add a search option to search for specific accounts. You should be able to search through usernames, emails, names, etc. this would help when searching for a specific user.

  2. Add the ability to sort by certain properties (i.e. (regarding when the account was created and when the account was last accessed) new->old, old->new, name/username/email ascending and descending. This would help to delete old accounts that have not been used, delete certain temporary accounts (lti), and search alphabetically.

  3. Add the ability to view only a certain account type (student, TA, teacher, admin). I think that it might be wise to show TAs as well when viewing students. I'll elaborate on this below.

  4. Remove the color coding for permissions. It would still be a good idea to highlight the selected profile with a color though.

  5. Remove the "Merged?" and "Permissions" column and replace them with an "Account Type" column. Previously we had talked about how merging results in potential data loss and how we were thinking about getting rid of that feature. We could always leave it in for Ayamel World and not Y-video.

  6. For the batch editor, change the options to "Change Account Type" "Delete" and "Notify". This will let us keep the useful batch permission editing features. The delete and notify options will be useful in batch deleting old, unused accounts and notifying multiple users all at once.

  7. Change the view selection to show what page we are on out of how many pages, select how many entries to see on each page, and toggle through the pages. If we are on page one, the text for "Previous" will be grayed out. Likewise, the text for "Next" will also be grayed out if we are on the last page.

Application for Ayamel World vs. Y-Video It is likely that some of these options will only apply to either ayamel world or y-video. For example: merging accounts, auth scheme types, and account types. My guess is that since Y-video will most likely only be using CAS and lti logins then it might have a different application than ayamel world.

Account Types We talked about this at an earlier meeting, but permissions could be simplified greatly by organizing accounts into types. This eliminates the need to micromanage every single one of their permissions.

Student - Join courses, view media associated with courses they are enrolled in TA - Same as a student, but they have more privileges on a course by course basis, managed by admins or the course owner(s). Teacher - Create courses, upload media, all permissions associated with courses they own, and all above permissions Admin - All permissions

We could also eliminate the permission for "Join courses" because every account should technically have that permission. That is, unless we want to create the ability to ban certain accounts for whatever reason. The "view restricted content" permission also seems kind of unnecessary. Any opinions for what we should do with that?

Please let me know if you have any ideas for improvement etc.

hutchibw commented 7 years ago

Here are some modules that I made to add on

Preview of a user account when clicking on their name admin views student

Delete single student module delete single user The underlined numbers for content in these two modules could be hyperlinks to a page that lets you see the user's content.

Batch delete module batch delete The delete modules could extend to the necessary length to compensate for someone possibly enrolling in a ridiculous amount of courses. The course lists could also be defaulted as drop-down boxes or just digits (ie enrolled in "200" courses) to prevent that from happening as well. This is likewise for the amount of users. It could list out the usernames 1 by 1 for say, less that 5 users, but then after that default to a drop down box or just a numeric value.

hutchibw commented 7 years ago

I'll add Jeff's comments here

here are four sets:

Administrators Administrators have the combined rights of all teachers on the service. -Can proxy in as any user -Can view all content -Can view all statistics

Teachers Teachers have full rights over their own courses. Teachers can only create courses that are listed in the course catalog at BYU Teachers can add TA's Teachers can add/remove/edit/delete content, create/upload/edit/delete/download subtitles, and create/upload/edit/delete/download annotations. Can view course statistics and member information Can specify on individual content to remove functionality (annotations disabled/subtitles disabled/definitions disabled)

TA's TA's are a mix between student and teacher. For all courses, except where they are given TA permissions, they are a student. However, for courses they have TA permissions, they have all permissions of a teacher. This enables them to add/remove/update/delete content, create/upload/edit/delete/download subtitles, and create/upload/edit/delete annotations. The subtitles are shared between all the course collaborators and subtitle edits are shared between them all The only teacher permission they do not have is adding other TA's and deleting the course Can view course statistics and member information

Students They have only viewing permissions. When they log in via CAS, they are enrolled in their courses automatically. They can view content in the courses they are enrolled in. Unless explicitly forbidden, they can change the subtitles of the videos they watch, turn on/off annotations, Users can add saved words/annotations to a "My notes" list and export those notes to an excel file, or to Quizlet.