BYU-Hydroinformatics / api-nwm-gcp

REST API backed by National Water Model data, developed on Google Cloud Platform
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[PROPOSAL] Use some Infrastructure as Code to help with deployment and cloud resource management #2

Closed KMarkert closed 10 months ago

KMarkert commented 10 months ago

This issue is a proposal to include some Infrastructure as Code to help with the managing and provisioning of infrastructure for the API through code instead of through manual processes.

IaC helps with

  1. Version control - have paper trail of what changes and can review/test changes
  2. Consistency - ensures that all environments are provisioned in the same manner
  3. Automate deployment - efficiently automate environment provisioning with any changes need to be made

Ideally we should use Terraform but something like bash scripts to start are helpful. Here is a tutorial with using Terraform with Cloud Functions