Closed WorldsEndless closed 2 years ago
Which file should I be looking to edit the nav bar? All I'm seeing is the function wp_nav_menu()
This can be improved by changing the padding on the nav items to margin, instead. However, the units also need to be changed for responsiveness. Not PX but something responsive live REM.
This is what the nav bar looks like after changing the unites to REM and from Padding to Margin. Compare with the Original:
You can't really see a difference from the images uploaded, but the top and bottom margin are bigger than the original nav bar even using 1REM. What are your thoughts on using 1vh/vw? @WorldsEndless
@WorldsEndless These changes I believe have been pushed up on Branch styleFixing521. We should probably fix this asap.
I've made the margin-top and bottom to be 1vh because 1rem is bigger than the original nav bar.
Everything in the nav that now has "hover over" to cause underlining should also be clickable as the link. This is a minor DOM change.