Describe the new feature you'd like
We want to add an agent that is just a floating right hand so that dexterous manipulation can be focused on instead of an agent having to deal with the entire Android.
The hand should have all of the bones the regular Android hand has, as well as be able to be moved along the x, y and z planes so that it can "walk around"
[x] Create Agent blueprint
[x] Create simplified mesh / bones
[ ] Add friction to the mesh so it can pick things up
[x] Position CameraSocket behind the hand
[x] Create classes in C++/Python
[x] Add documentation and screenshots (especially of the joint order)
[x] Update JointRotationSensor to handle different vectors
Describe the new feature you'd like We want to add an agent that is just a floating right hand so that dexterous manipulation can be focused on instead of an agent having to deal with the entire Android.
The hand should have all of the bones the regular Android hand has, as well as be able to be moved along the x, y and z planes so that it can "walk around"
behind the handJointRotationSensor
to handle different vectors