GEKKO Python for Machine Learning and Dynamic Optimization
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Invalid inequalities #151

Closed Mark531 closed 1 year ago

Mark531 commented 1 year ago

I've designed a simple MINP problem using this kind of inequalities: model.Equation(w[i - 1] <= w[i] for i in I if i)

But when solving the model, I get the folowing error:

invalid inequalities: z > x < y

That's true, if you take for instance x_0, it will be lesser than w_1, w_2, ..., w_n. The idea was to create a series of binary variables of this kind:

0 0 0 ... 0 1 1 1 ... 1

Is it possible to model it with gekko?

APMonitor commented 1 year ago

Use model.Equations([w[i - 1] <= w[i] for i in I if i]) to create multiple equations from a list comprehension. Issues on GitHub are typically for feature requests or bug reports. Please use StackOverflow with tag gekko for future syntax questions. The response time is typically faster and it is easier to search for similar Q+A posts.