Closed eagleoflqj closed 3 months ago
It seems when emscripten env is activated, make cannot execute cmake due to the same reason with, so I have to put these in a separate script inside wasm/.
如果能吧 node.js bindings 切换到 wasm 实现,那就更好了
如果能吧 node.js bindings 切换到 wasm 实现,那就更好了
可行,就是wasm速度会比native慢一些,不一定划算 给web用肯定是wasm最快
如果能吧 node.js bindings 切换到 wasm 实现,那就更好了
可行,就是wasm速度会比native慢一些,不一定划算 给web用肯定是wasm最快
等等作者( @BYVoid )的意见吧,我只是觉得 wasm 免除编译带来的优势更大(指开箱即用)
my opencc算是我做my rime的一个中间产物,所以用C++版opencc是个刚需
I am sorry but I am not familiar with wasm. You can create a separate repo for this purpose.
做了个网站,纯前端wasm转换繁简 支持全部14个json配置 代码: 想把wasm构建部分合并到上游
跟 的区别: