BaRatin-tools / BaRatinAGE

BaRatin Advanced Graphical Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting rid of tabs? #20

Closed benRenard closed 3 months ago

benRenard commented 1 year ago

We should reconsider the use of tabs for Hydraulic configs, Gaugings, RCs etc.

So getting rid of tabs might simplify code and ergonomics with no loss of functionality as far as I can see. However maybe some users are used to tabs and are in fact using them regularly? Maybe we should ask them? (poll on baratin.users, for this and possibly other changes we're not sure of?)

IvanHeriver commented 1 year ago

I fully agree with this. Not sure a poll is a good option though. Even if some users use the tab system, I think it should be removed since it brings too much confusion. Instead of the tab, a clear "title" would be enough.

Isn't this issue somewhat related to issue #17? It is about the ergonomics of BaRatinAGE. The question of how the user should navigate within BaRatinAGE (current issue) could be addressed alongside communicating in a clear way the dependencies of children (posterior rating curve or streamflow time series) to their parents (gaugings, hydraulic config, stage time series, mcmc conf, etc.)...

IvanHeriver commented 3 months ago

BaRatinAGE v3 does not use tab for navigating the different components. Closing the issue.