BaRatin-tools / BaRatinAGE

BaRatin Advanced Graphical Environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Abkhaze au lieu d'Arabe #54

Closed JeromeLeCoz closed 3 months ago

JeromeLeCoz commented 4 months ago

Dans les 6 premières langues (OMM), il y a cette erreur à corriger... Roger Moussa m'a par ailleurs expliqué qu'il était quasi impossible d'établir une version en arabe, cette langue n'étant pas utilisée pour ce domaine technique...

IvanHeriver commented 3 months ago

Indeed the code "ab" used is for abkhazen not arabic. "ar" should be used. (see

The issue with arabic translations, is it simply the language name that appears in the list Options >Change Languages? Or are all the translations incorrects?

You mention translations into arabic is almost impossible because the language is never used this particular technical field (hydrometry). Should we keep it then?

JeromeLeCoz commented 3 months ago

it is simply the language name that appears in the list Options >Change Languages

The translation seems to be in Arabic (I can't read Arabic...).

Yes, we can keep it (at least because Arabic is one of the 6 official languages of WMO). All the Arabic speakers told me that the common sentences were OK. The problem seems to be able to translate technical terms like RC, gaugings, etc. that may have no equivalent in Arabic. Perhaps we'll find someone able to provide translations in the future. Let's keep it as is.

IvanHeriver commented 3 months ago

I corrected the language key. I think we can close the issue.

JeromeLeCoz commented 3 months ago

yes, thx