BaadSaba / noorAlmobin

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Determining the project structure (software architecture, microservices and development details). #2

Open hemedani opened 1 day ago

hemedani commented 1 day ago

Microservice Architecture

In the noorAlmobin project, we have adopted a microservice architecture to enhance scalability, maintainability, and flexibility. This architecture allows us to divide the application into smaller, independent services that can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

Architecture Overview

The backend is divided into two main sections:

  1. User Authentication Service:

    • This microservice is responsible for managing user accounts, handling authentication, and maintaining session states. It provides secure login, registration, and user management functionalities.
    • By isolating authentication concerns, we can ensure that user data is managed securely, and changes to authentication mechanisms can be implemented without impacting other parts of the application.
  2. Information Services:

    • This section encompasses all other functionalities related to the application’s content, including access to the Quran, Nahj al-Balagha, the calendar, and other books.
    • This service handles data retrieval, storage, and processing, ensuring that users can seamlessly access the application’s features.

Future Expansion

One of the key advantages of a microservice architecture is its flexibility in accommodating future growth. As the needs of the application evolve, we can easily introduce new microservices to support additional features or functionalities. For example:



By employing a microservice architecture for noorAlmobin, we position ourselves for future growth and adaptability. This approach not only improves the current structure of the application but also sets the stage for the integration of new features and services as the project evolves.

hemedani commented 1 day ago

Database Architecture and CQRS

In the noorAlmobin project, we have chosen to utilize a shared database across all microservices. This decision facilitates streamlined data management and enhances the overall architecture by allowing us to implement the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.

Shared Database

Using a single database for all services allows us to maintain consistency and integrity across different functionalities. It simplifies data access and ensures that all services operate on the same dataset, which is crucial for providing a cohesive user experience.

CQRS Architecture

By adopting the CQRS pattern, we can separate the responsibilities of reading and writing data, leading to several key benefits:

  1. Improved Performance:

    • By decoupling read and write operations, we can optimize each side according to its specific requirements. For instance, we can implement caching strategies for read operations to enhance performance and reduce latency.
  2. Simplified Complexity:

    • Each service can focus on either commands (writing data) or queries (reading data), making the codebase cleaner and easier to understand. This separation allows developers to implement tailored logic for each operation type.
  3. Scalability:

    • The architecture allows us to scale read and write services independently. If read operations become more frequent, we can deploy additional instances of the query side without impacting the command side.
  4. Flexibility in Data Models:

    • Different data models can be used for read and write operations. This means we can optimize the read model for performance and user experience while keeping the write model consistent with business logic.


By employing a shared database alongside the CQRS architecture in noorAlmobin, we ensure that our microservices can operate efficiently and effectively. This setup not only enhances performance and scalability but also simplifies data management, setting a solid foundation for future enhancements and new features. As we continue to develop and expand the project, this architecture will enable us to respond swiftly to changing requirements and user needs.

hemedani commented 1 day ago

Frontend Architecture with Deno Fresh

In the noorAlmobin project, we have chosen Deno Fresh as our frontend framework. This decision is driven by our overall use of the Deno runtime in the backend, enabling seamless integration and streamlined development across the entire application.

Why Deno Fresh?

  1. Unified Technology Stack:

    • By utilizing Deno Fresh for the frontend, we maintain a consistent technology stack throughout the application. This unification simplifies development processes, as our team can leverage the same language and runtime (JavaScript/TypeScript) across both the frontend and backend.
  2. Improved Integration:

    • Deno Fresh allows us to create more effective integrations within the Deno workspace. This makes it easier to share code, utilities, and types between the frontend and backend, enhancing maintainability and reducing redundancy.
  3. Modern Features:

    • Deno Fresh provides a modern and efficient approach to building web applications, with features such as server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and fast refresh capabilities. This ensures a responsive user experience while optimizing performance.
  4. Simplicity and Security:

    • Deno emphasizes security and simplicity, which aligns with our goals for noorAlmobin. The secure sandboxing model of Deno reduces the risks associated with running untrusted code, while its straightforward module system allows for easy dependency management.
  5. Rapid Development:

    • With Deno Fresh's focus on developer experience, we can rapidly prototype and build features, facilitating faster iterations and improvements based on user feedback.


Choosing Deno Fresh for the frontend of noorAlmobin not only aligns with our backend technology but also enhances integration, security, and overall development efficiency. This cohesive approach enables us to create a robust and scalable application that meets the needs of our users while maintaining a smooth and streamlined development process.

hemedani commented 1 day ago

Testing and Documentation Strategy

In the noorAlmobin project, we prioritize robust testing and comprehensive documentation to ensure high code quality and maintainability. We leverage several powerful Deno features and libraries to achieve these goals.

Automatic Documentation with Deno Doc

We utilize Deno Doc to generate automatic documentation for our project. This tool extracts comments and type annotations from the code, producing clear and concise documentation that is easy to navigate. By integrating Deno Doc into our workflow, we ensure that our documentation remains up-to-date and accurately reflects the current state of the codebase. This promotes transparency and facilitates onboarding for new developers, making it easier for them to understand the project's structure and functionality.

Testing with Deno Test

For testing our code, we use Deno Test. This built-in testing framework allows us to write and run tests efficiently, ensuring that our application behaves as expected. Key advantages of using Deno Test include:

By regularly running tests, we can catch bugs early in the development cycle and ensure the reliability of our application.

End-to-End Testing with Deno Lesan

In addition to unit and integration tests, we leverage Deno Lesan for end-to-end (E2E) testing. Lesan provides excellent facilities for graphical E2E testing, allowing us to simulate user interactions and verify that all parts of the application work together as intended. Key features include:


By utilizing Deno Doc for automatic documentation, Deno Test for running tests, and the E2E testing capabilities of Deno Lesan, we ensure that noorAlmobin maintains high standards of code quality and usability. This comprehensive approach to testing and documentation not only enhances the developer experience but also contributes to the overall stability and reliability of the application.

hemedani commented 1 day ago

Design Principles: Functional Programming and SOLID

In the noorAlmobin project, we are committed to utilizing functional programming and adhering to the SOLID principles based on functional programming practices. This approach not only enhances code quality but also promotes maintainability, scalability, and a clear separation of concerns.

Functional Programming

Functional programming is a programming paradigm that emphasizes immutability, first-class functions, and higher-order functions. In noorAlmobin, we leverage functional programming concepts in the following ways:

SOLID Principles

The SOLID principles provide a set of guidelines that enhance software design. We strive to implement these principles based on functional programming:

  1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP): Each module or function should have a single responsibility. This helps keep the codebase organized and focused, making it easier to manage and extend.

  2. Open/Closed Principle (OCP): Our functions and modules are designed to be open for extension but closed for modification. This allows us to add new features without altering existing code, reducing the risk of introducing bugs.

  3. Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP): We ensure that functions can be replaced with instances of their subtypes without altering the desirable properties of the program. This is achieved by designing functions that operate on abstract types.

  4. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP): We favor small, specific interfaces over large, general-purpose ones. This promotes more focused and easier-to-understand code, enhancing modularity.

  5. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP): High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules; both should depend on abstractions. We achieve this by using higher-order functions and functional interfaces to decouple components.


By embracing functional programming and the SOLID principles in noorAlmobin, we create a robust and maintainable codebase that is adaptable to future changes. This approach not only enhances code quality but also fosters a collaborative development environment, allowing our team to work efficiently and effectively.