BabDev / Pagerfanta

Pagination library for PHP applications with support for several data providers
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[Question] Why is the PagerfantaInterface deprecated? #14

Closed mmenozzi closed 4 years ago

mmenozzi commented 4 years ago

Why is the PagerfantaInterface deprecated? And why is the suggested replacement a concrete implementation (the Pagerfanta class)?

mbabker commented 4 years ago

IIRC, I dug through the history once and the interface has been empty and deprecated ever since the original 1.0 release. I've stayed on that path for now since I don't think there is any value in an empty interface here.

That said, the deprecation can still be re-evaluated and instead of removing it in 3.0 the interface could actually be filled in properly.

ruudk commented 4 years ago

How do I get rid of this deprecation warning? Every time a Pagerfanta is loaded, it will also load the PagerfantaInterface that triggers the deprecation. So there is no way to "fix" the deprecation until it's removed in a new release?

mbabker commented 4 years ago

After thinking it through, the interface is no longer deprecated as of the 2.4 release, and in 3.0 the interface will now actually require methods to be implemented instead of being an empty interface.