Babyhamsta / Aimmy

Universal Second Eye for Gamers with Impairments (Universal AI Aim Aligner - ONNX/YOLOv8 - C#)
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Suggestion: enable Aimmy when specified window is open and disable when closed or minimized #1423

Open TooManyFactoryResets opened 1 month ago

TooManyFactoryResets commented 1 month ago

I would like Aimmy to be enabled only when an executable, process, or window is focused before starting the model and aiming. By doing this it will be easier for some to multitask between maybe a screen recorder, streaming, etc. and play their game at the same time without confusing the model and making the mouse jump around.

MarsQQ commented 3 weeks ago

I can try to add a feature like that, sounds useful. Thanks for the suggestion buddy!