BabylonJS / BabylonNative

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Prebuilt/caching libraries for BRN #1270

Open CedricGuillemet opened 11 months ago

CedricGuillemet commented 11 months ago

In order to speed up BRN builds, I want to evaluate the feasibility of having (some) prebuilt libraries of BabylonNative. As discussed with @bghgary , because of JS engine, it won't be possible to prebuild everything. Does it make sense to have more clear separation for some libraries (JS engine layer + internal functionnality). Note: I'm also wondering if it makes sense to not build everything for BN local builds or CI.

List of libraries dependent of JSEngine:

Independent ones:

Excepted ABI: win32 : x86 Debug + Release, win_x64 Debug + Release arm64, arm7(?), x86, x86_64 ios: arm64, x86_64, arme(?)

ryantrem commented 11 months ago

Would this specifically be local builds, build agents, or both?

CedricGuillemet commented 11 months ago

both. Maybe some option in cmake to download binaries or build them. I'm not sure this will be faster on our local PC because they are way faster than CI VMs.

ryantrem commented 11 months ago

If CI VMs are the main concern, could we use GitHub workflow caching for the build output? This would effectively make the builds incremental. I’m not sure how hard it wold be to generate a correct cache key for build outputs though.

CedricGuillemet commented 11 months ago

Yes, it makes sense to save some binaries when a PR is merged, using BN commit hash as a key. And reuse with all builds following as long as it's the same BN commit. BN is not updated very often so it makes total sense.

CedricGuillemet commented 11 months ago

I've used MSVC to get local build times. I'm keeping here libraries with >2seconds times.

squish 6 iqa 6 llhttp 8.7 spirv-cross-core 12 arcana 10 bx 13 astc-encoder 24 nvtt 11.7 spirv-cross-glsl 16.4 url-lib 18.8 spirv-cross-hlsl 7 bimg 11 openxr_loader 40 MachineIndependent 37 bgfx 11.3 xr 9 SPIRV 11.4

253.3 seconds

v8inspector 25 XMLHttpRequest 6.5 ScriptLoader 6.8 AppRuntime 6.6 Graphics 13.4 NativeXr 6.2 NativeCamera 8.2 Canvas 13.6 NativeEngine 19.4 native-input 10.5

116.2 seconds

so ~70% of build time can be cached and reused

ryantrem commented 11 months ago

If it’s just build caching, then I’d think the binaries from both your lists could be included as well.

CedricGuillemet commented 11 months ago

We discussed that with @bghgary and because of changes in JS interface, react,... this might not be possible.

ryantrem commented 11 months ago

Since this would be caching specifically for the BN build within BRN, then BN is always configured with a specific JS engine etc., so I would expect caching to be fine on all binaries. Not sure what you and @bghgary discussed though so maybe I’m missing something.

CedricGuillemet commented 10 months ago

I did some tests today with Github Caching and got these issues:

CedricGuillemet commented 10 months ago

I tried to reuse, locally, bgfx static libraries. First, I build the PG as usual, then, I change the cmake file in dependencies to reuse the library and headers instead of adding bgfx.cmake subdirectory.

set(BGFX_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bgfx.cmake/bgfx" CACHE STRING "Location of bgfx." )
set(BIMG_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bgfx.cmake/bimg" CACHE STRING "Location of bimg." )
set(BX_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/bgfx.cmake/bx" CACHE STRING "Location of bx." )

add_library(bgfx STATIC IMPORTED)
set_property(TARGET bgfx PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/Dependencies/bgfx.cmake/Debug/bgfx.a")
target_include_directories(bgfx INTERFACE "${BGFX_DIR}/include")

But it didn't work and include is not added to the build command line and I end up seeing this error:

BgfxCallback.h:6:10: fatal error: 'bgfx/bgfx.h' file not found
#include <bgfx/bgfx.h>

Any idea why it happens ?

EDIT: Adding GLOBAL fixes the issue. But imported targets cannot be installed.

CedricGuillemet commented 9 months ago

WIP using prebuilt on win32. bgfx, glslang and spirv-cross before: image after: image

CedricGuillemet commented 9 months ago

I'm reaching a point where cmake needs to run to fetch content (jsruntimehost, arcana,...) while also needing the prebuilt cache so it can import the libraries. But the cache (in order to be invalidated) needs a commit hash. A way to do it is to run cmake 2 times:

That's not something I'd like to do because of less maintainable cmake scripts and the benefits will be low (around 3 minutes per build) The problem is more BRN builds duration than BN ones.