BabylonJS / Editor

Community managed visual editor for Babylon.js
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Some feedback #115

Closed MisterLight closed 4 years ago

MisterLight commented 5 years ago

Hi, :) I just discovered the babylon editor and im playing with it, I had been working with Unity for 4 years and I feels that moving to this engine is very intuitive and easy. However I still miss some little things that, I think, will improve the usability and found some bugs on desktop version

Thank you so much for your effort, babylon.js is a great engine and with a great editor like this, i think we can make incredible things easier.

julien-moreau commented 5 years ago

Hey @MisterLight :) Thanks a lot for these feedbacks! Always a pleasure to have feedbacks and improve the editor :)

Here are my answers:

MisterLight commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much Julien!

About the saving scene, I just install the desktop editor and save the default scene with "save project" creating the .editoeproject but no texture or material was generated.

julien-moreau commented 5 years ago

The philosophie of the editor tends to "don't do what you can do in Blender using the editor". Basically, the editor will never work with a standalone .editorproject file. It will always be linked to a scene file (typically a .babylon file) and save the deltas. You can see the editor as an added value to your scene.

The philosophie is also "do what you can't do in Blender" typically adding particle systems, sky effects, custom scripts, graphs, etc.

Blender is an example. 3d modelers have powerful tools even to create a simple cube that the editor will never have. So let's create geometries with blender or 3ds Max and just add values using the editor.

In you case, you should save the .editorproject near your scene file and textures (and sounds, etc.) so the paths will never be broken.

I fixed all the "DOING ASAP" points, I'm releasing asap for you :)

MisterLight commented 5 years ago

Thank you so much! I will look a this later when I have more time.

Btw, yesterday I was creating simple scripts test to figure out what can I do with the editor and what can be improve.

A little thing that I note is that maybe a Destroy method on game object life cycle could be useful for cleaning resources or trigger some event/notifications to other object

what do you think?

julien-moreau commented 5 years ago

Excellent thanks! I'll update the documentation of the editor, yesterday I re-worked the way to manage projects (instead of saving only the delta, i'll save morely like a Unity project.

Adding the issue for you feedback on scripts :)

MisterLight commented 5 years ago

Hey!! I come back, with more feedback and some doubts :)

julien-moreau commented 5 years ago

Hi @MisterLight ! I'm fixing these issues right now