BabylonJS / Editor

Community managed visual editor for Babylon.js
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complex animation in glb format can not render in web project or play scene or sandbox, function in editor preview #319

Closed Blame4 closed 2 years ago

Blame4 commented 2 years ago

simple animation like box transform function in all scene. but complex animation like _bee_idle of Win10 built-in model(attached below), can not play after exported as .babylon, but can play as original glb format. How can I put the glb model in one .babylon file with functioning animation group(the animation groups exist, but not functioned). It works when the imported as glb format .

julien-moreau commented 2 years ago

Hi @Blame4 ! Thanks for that feedback!

I'm pretty sure (but I have to verify) that the problem is due to the absence of pose matrix once the model is exported as .babylon file. To be sure, would it be possible to share the original glb model?

Blame4 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I missed.It comes from built-in 3D viewer in Win10.

julien-moreau commented 2 years ago

Hi @Blame4 I'm on it :)

julien-moreau commented 2 years ago

Looks like it has been fixed