BabylonJS / Editor

Community managed visual editor for Babylon.js
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Unable to load from ./scenes/_assets/../scene/scene.babylon: loadAssets of scene.babylon from Babylon.JS #403

Closed yxzyxzyxz closed 1 year ago

yxzyxzyxz commented 1 year ago

When I run, the console reports an error.

Uncaught (in promise) RuntimeError: Unable to load from ./scenes/_assets/../scene/scene.babylon: loadAssets of scene.babylon from Babylon.JS Editor version: v4.4.0, exporter version: v5.19.0
        Name: sun, type: Directional
        Name: default material
        Name: cube


julien-moreau commented 1 year ago

Hey @yxzyxzyxz can you ensure you have added all the needed imports in your index.ts file ? Babylon.JS uses ES6 modules and must import all the components you need. You can find more information here:

Also in order to get help from other users/developers I suggest that you use the forum: I'm closing this issue and if you failed to fix with the documentation I shared, feel free to open a new discussion on the forum

Thanks a lot !

strowk commented 1 year ago

I have this same issue. Could you please clarify what exactly the changes needed to be done in index.ts. To clarify, I haven't done anything in the project at all since creating it from "third person shooter" template. Maybe template contains the bug of some sort?

I made also entry in forum -

Please do not answer me with links to documentation, I'm pretty sure that template is supposed to work right away without additional actions

strowk commented 1 year ago

Also tried adding

import {
} from '@babylonjs/materials';

, as I think the documentation suggests to do, but this had no effect on the result unfortunately. Template seems broken and it is not clear how to fix it.

strowk commented 1 year ago

Aha, so workarond is to remove the sky in Assets over here:


Now there is no sky, but also it is not just black screen:


Why exactly this is broken like this is unclear at the moment, I think some of people, who understand more about this, should look into issue. Could you please reopen this bug?