BabylonJS / Editor

Community managed visual editor for Babylon.js
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Questions about meshes #421

Closed danhue22daw closed 11 months ago

danhue22daw commented 1 year ago

Hi it's my first time using Babylon and I'm trying to make a few meshes but I have a problem, maybe it's basic but I don't find the way. Is there any option to merge meshes (like Ctrl+J on Blender)? I tried putting the meshes I want to merge into an empty mesh but that doesn't seem to work because when I try to clone it I only get the empty mesh and not the ones inside that.

And another question, I'm trying to import a .glb file from blender to Babylon Editor but I don't find the way to do it, how I can do it?

Thanks in advance.

julien-moreau commented 11 months ago

Hi @danhue22daw !

Unfortunately merging meshes is possible by selecting all meshes to merge in the graph -> right click -> merge meshes. Take care to select only meshes.

To add meshes in your scene (glb, babylon etc.) you can drag'n'drop them from the assets panel like this:

For questions, don't hesitate to use the forum instead ( so other members can help you too :)