BabylonJS / Exporters

Exporters for Babylon.js and gltf file formats
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3ds Max 2023 - Normal map not exporting on glTF material #1072

Closed gortnarj closed 1 year ago

gortnarj commented 1 year ago

When exporting a scene with the 3ds Max glTF material node, the normal map slot seems to get ignored (no normal map displayed in output log). If I change the material to Physical Material the export of the same texture works fine. image

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

I can not reproduce.




Could you please share you scene with us ?

gortnarj commented 1 year ago

Here's the scene: 3ds Max 2023 and BabylonJS v20220628.14

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

still work here...


and the log


May you share your log ?

gortnarj commented 1 year ago

Tried chainging the directory, making a new scene with only a cube and a gltf material with just a normal map, but still the same issue. Here's the log: image

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

Could you expand the first "exporting materials" log ??

gortnarj commented 1 year ago

Here it is: image

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

Ok this not give any usefull informations.. i update Max2023 to the latest version and re-install the exporter and still not able to reproduce...

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

Any news on this ? otherwise i will close the issue.

gortnarj commented 1 year ago

Updated Max to 2023.1 and reinstalled Babylon, no difference. Did some more testing today and turns out after unstalling a plugin I had (Wall Worm), the export now works as expected. Would this be a Babylon issue or a Wall Worm issue?

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

I beleive Wall worm should modify the model source and then the interaction did not going well. This is not a bug from Babylon nor Wall worm, it's side effect from one part or another. We might investigate but honestly we do not have a high bandwith actually... if you do not have a work arround, let me know and i will try to install wall worm an see if i can find something.

pandaGaume commented 1 year ago

Just had a quick look and find that the WallWorm plugin change (in any way) the name of the normalMap to lowerCase. normalMap become normalmap. The cache implementation we use is case sensitive and did not perfom well in this situation. I will implement a fallback to search first case sensitive then unsensitive if failed. This may help in other similar situation and make our exporter more resilient. PR to come.