BabylonJS / Exporters

Exporters for Babylon.js and gltf file formats
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Crash on export 3ds Max 2018.4 tested on Max2Babylon 1.0.5 #189

Closed Gil-1 closed 6 years ago

Gil-1 commented 6 years ago


The following scene is causing a crash everytime we export it. The "Retina" mesh is causing the crash because of some settings / links in the Morpher Modifier I suppose.

Doing an export selected by selecting another mesh is also causing a crash. The fact that the mesh is in the scene make it crash.

I enclosed a simple scene to help debug it. Let me know if I can help further.

noalak commented 6 years ago

Hi Gil-1,

Bug not reproduced with 2018.0 I get Update 4 and go back to you soon

Some questions:

  1. Are you exporting to babylon or glTF format ?
  2. The crash occurs while exporting or when loading the output scene inside an engine ?
Gil-1 commented 6 years ago

I'm exporting in babylon format and the crash occurs while exporting. I have the green bar moving to something like 10% then Max crashes.

Thanks for testing :)

Jaskar commented 6 years ago

We got the updates today, @noalak will test it next week.

rlouvat commented 6 years ago

Hi Gil-1, I was able to reproduce the crash with your scene on 3DS Max 2018 update 0 and 4. Unfortunately it's a 3DS Max API failure (in the IGame.dll). That's why all 3DS Max crashes... And in the Babylon export I wasn't able to prevent nor detect when this failure can happen.

With @noalak we try to find more information on the bug. Here are what we found:

Thus the issue comes from your morph targets. Can you confirm that targets have as much polygons and vertices as the "Retina" mesh ? Can you provide us the full file with targets ? Are you creating meshes (including targets) in 3ds Max ? Or do you import data from obj / fbx ?

Workaround: export the scene in fbx, then import it into a new scene. Targets are now green and the Babylon export should be successful.

Gil-1 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the investigation !

Finding a workaround isn't that difficult. The issue is to know where it comes from. Here I gave a simple scene but there are lots of meshes in the original one. So it took some time to know which mesh was causing it :).

I hope the issue is not present in Max 2019 for when we go that road.

noalak commented 6 years ago

Using the complete scene, I found that:

My guess is that file corrupted in some way. As said, there is nothing we can do to prevent or warn that from the exporter side. Maybe the Autodesk staff can help you.