BabylonJS / Exporters

Exporters for Babylon.js and gltf file formats
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Improve debugging workflow #776

Open Drigax opened 4 years ago

Drigax commented 4 years ago

The current debugging workflow is somewhat cumbersome. currently, one has to restart maya and 3dsMax between iterations, as the binary needs to be replaced and the DCC tool has to be restarted to test even the most trivial of changes.

I propose a few improvements to be made to the development environment including:

pandaGaume commented 3 years ago

@Drigax @thomlucc even if labeled as "futur" milestone, i review some proposal from Drigax. regarding the Setup Edit and Continue Debugging from VS point of view, the issue here is about unloading and reloading the plugin dynamically, which is not possible into the Autodesk system. One solution should be to build a proxy as plugin, which is in charge of loading the export Babylon dll's only when need, then release the dll's when not needed anymore. This is something we can name a Babylon Bootstrap. Then we have a 2BabylonBoot.dll located into autodesk plugin directory and 2Babylon.dll anywhere else. We can only copying a json manifest file into %max_location%bin/assemblies/Babylon/ or %userData%Babylon/ which will be the place to hold profiles and setting for the babylon exporter. The manifest will hold the necessary informations to locate the used bin directory to let the plugin load the necessary dll, even remotely with AppDomain...