Baccayarro / Movecraft-3

The original movement plugin for Bukkit. Reloaded. The releases feature isn't working, so here is a link to the latest dev version:
GNU General Public License v3.0
15 stars 21 forks source link

Request: fuel cost for 'Move' signs #119

Open Jaiph opened 9 years ago

Jaiph commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to add another optional entry to craft files called something like 'fuelMoveBurnRate' and the way it would work is when you click a "Move:" sign it calculates the distance you will be traversing and requires a certain amount of fuel (fuelMoveBurnRate) for the command to be executed. For instance, I'm at 0,100,0 and want to use a Move sign to go 1000,100,1000 which is about 1414 blocks, so I'd need to have enough fuel in the furnaces to cover that distance based on the fuelMoveBurnRate. I feel this would make the Move signs less op and add a real market for coal/charcoal on the server.

mwkaicz commented 9 years ago

I'll try do it.

I would like also implement [main helm] (same function as original, but can be only one on the board ... defines direction of the craft) and craft properties: requiereMainHelm, sideSpeed, sideCruiseSpeed and sideCruiseSkipBlocks