BachiLi / redner

Differentiable rendering without approximation.
MIT License
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Partial scan-lines with multi-GPU rendering #121

Open markdjwilliams opened 4 years ago

markdjwilliams commented 4 years ago

First of all thank you for your wonderful contribution to the community.

I'm training a neural network which is tasked with predicting the transformation and deformation of a single template shape, which has approximately 50,000 vertices. I've noticed when using 2 GPUs via DataParallel that some incomplete scan-lines are present in the rendered images. Approximately 50% of the scan-lines are impacted. The alpha channel is black in these areas, as if the rays missed the geometry entirely. The other channels I'm rendering alongside the alpha channel (diffuse and uv) also show the same issue in the same pixels. Each render in my batch shows random variation in this horizontally-aligned pattern, and occasionally some samples in the batch appear to be entirely unaffected. 

When I revert training back to a single GPU the problem goes away, and the rendered images look exactly as I would expect them to appear.

Unfortunately I'm not able to provide any code or images at this time, but will see if I can encourage the same behaviour to appear using one of the provided tests/examples.

I'm using redner-0.4.5, optix-6.5.0, cuda-10.0.130, and pytorch-1.4.0 through pytorch_lighting-0.7.2. I'm compiling all dependencies myself under gcc-6.4.0, so I'm easily able to tweak the code if there are things which are worth testing out. However, I'm not too familiar with cuda itself as I mostly access GPU via pytorch or other high-level applications.

Thank you for your help.

BachiLi commented 4 years ago

Yeah, having a reproducible example would be helpful. Within a single rendering call we assume all the pytorch tensors live in the same GPU. Maybe there are some bugs related to that.

markdjwilliams commented 4 years ago

It turned out to be easier than I imaged to create a repro case. The scene is a single sphere, with the camera close enough to fill the entire image. There's a while loop which keeps rendering images in batches of 16 (I used 2 GPUs) until it spots one with an incomplete alpha channel. Within the archive is also the image which triggered the loop to terminate.

Thanks again.

BachiLi commented 4 years ago

You want to call pyredner.set_device() inside your rendering module so that redner can use the right device. I modified your code like this and it works for me in 0.4.11.

import torch
import redner
import pyredner

pyredner.set_use_gpu( True )

class BatchRenderFunction(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, seed, *args):
        batch_dims = args[0]
        args_old_format = args[1:]
        chunk_len = int(len(args_old_format)/batch_dims)
        h, w = args_old_format[12]
        result = torch.zeros(\
            batch_dims, h, w, 6, device = pyredner.get_device(), requires_grad=True)
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            sub_args = args_old_format[k*chunk_len:(k+1)*chunk_len]
            result[k, :, :, :] = pyredner.RenderFunction.forward(ctx, seed, *sub_args)
        return result

    def backward(ctx, grad_img):
        #None gradient for seed and batch_dims
        ret_list = (None, None,)
        batch_dims = grad_img.shape[0]
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            #[1:] cuz original backward function returns None grad for seed input, but we manage that ourselves
            ret_list = ret_list + pyredner.RenderFunction.backward(ctx, grad_img[k,:,:,:])[1:]
        return ret_list

class RenderModule( torch.nn.Module ):
    def __init__( self ):

    def forward( self, x ):

        batch_size = x.shape[ 0 ]

        cam_to_world = pyredner.transform.gen_look_at_matrix( 
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

        camera = pyredner.Camera(
            fov = torch.tensor( [ 18.0 ] ),
            clip_near = 1e-2,
            resolution = ( 256, 256, ),
            fisheye = False,            

        vertices = []
        indices = None
        uvs = None
        normals = None

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            _vertices, _indices, _uvs, _normals = pyredner.generate_sphere(64, 128)

            vertices.append( _vertices.unsqueeze( 0 ) )
            if indices is None: indices = _indices
            if uvs is None: uvs = _uvs
            if normals is None: normals = _normals

        vertices = vertices, dim=0)  

        args = [ batch_size ]

        materials = [ pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance=torch.tensor([0.5,0.5,0.5]))]

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            shapes = [
                    vertices = vertices[b],
                    indices = indices,
                    uvs = uvs,
                    normals = normals,
                    material_id = 0

            scene = pyredner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, area_lights = [], envmap = None)

            args += pyredner.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(
                scene = scene,
                num_samples = 1,
                max_bounces = 0,
                channels = [

        return BatchRenderFunction.apply( 1, *args)    

model = RenderModule()
model = torch.nn.DataParallel( model )
batch_size = 16

while True:
    x = torch.randn( batch_size, 1 ).cuda()
    images = model( x )

    for i in range( batch_size ):
        img = images[i, :, :, 1:4]
        pyredner.imwrite( img.cpu(), 'debug_redner_%02d.png'%i)
        if ( ( images[ i, :, :, 0 ] < 0.1 ).any() ):
            raise RuntimeError( i )

Another minor bug in the provided code is that redner outputs HWC arrays, while the code assumes CHW.

We might want to rethink how the device assignment works in redner...

markdjwilliams commented 4 years ago

Thank you, that appears to help in the repro case (and reveals some issues with how I was handling devices) but in the context of my original example there's now a race condition of some sort, potentially due to the fact that pyredner.set_device/get_device manipulate global state.

Here's an update example which when run will likely fire one of the asserts, or terminate after thrust::system::system_error is thrown. The original RuntimeError, however, does appear to be fixed.

Note that I also updated the autograd function so that device in question is specified explicitly within args.

I'll also update to 0.4.11

import torch
import redner
import pyredner
import time
import numpy as np 

pyredner.set_use_gpu( True )

class BatchRenderFunction(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, seed, *args):
        batch_dims, device = args[0], args[ 1]
        args_old_format = args[2:]
        chunk_len = int(len(args_old_format)/batch_dims)
        h, w = args_old_format[11]
        result = torch.zeros(\
            batch_dims, h, w, 6, device = device, requires_grad=True)
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            sub_args = args_old_format[k*chunk_len:(k+1)*chunk_len]
            result[k, :, :, :] = pyredner.RenderFunction.forward(ctx, seed, *sub_args)
        return result

    def backward(ctx, grad_img):
        #None gradient for seed and batch_dims
        ret_list = (None, None,None,)
        batch_dims = grad_img.shape[0]
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            #[1:] cuz original backward function returns None grad for seed input, but we manage that ourselves
            ret_list = ret_list + pyredner.RenderFunction.backward(ctx, grad_img[k,:,:,:])[1:]
        return ret_list

class RenderModule( torch.nn.Module ):
    def __init__( self ):

                torch.tensor( 1.0 )

                torch.tensor( 0.0 )

    def forward( self, x ):
        assert( x.device == self.scale.device )
        assert( x.device == self.offset.device )

        batch_size = x.shape[ 0 ]

        cam_to_world = pyredner.transform.gen_look_at_matrix( 
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

        camera = pyredner.Camera(
            fov = torch.tensor( [ 18.0 ] ),
            clip_near = 1e-2,
            resolution = ( 256, 256, ),
            fisheye = False,            

        vertices = []
        indices = None
        uvs = None
        normals = None

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            _vertices, _indices, _uvs, _normals = pyredner.generate_sphere(64, 128)

            vertices.append( _vertices.unsqueeze( 0 ) * self.scale )
            if indices is None: indices = _indices
            if uvs is None: uvs = _uvs
            if normals is None: normals = _normals

        vertices = vertices, dim=0)  
        pyredner.set_device( vertices.device )

        args = [ batch_size, vertices.device ]

        materials = [ pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance=torch.tensor([0.5,0.5,0.5]))]

        assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )
            shapes = [
                    vertices = vertices[b],
                    indices = indices, 
                    uvs = uvs,
                    normals = normals,
                    material_id = 0
            assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )
            time.sleep( np.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.05) )
            assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )
            scene = pyredner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, area_lights = [], envmap = None)
            assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )
            args += pyredner.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(
                scene = scene,
                num_samples = 1,
                max_bounces = 0,
                channels = [
            assert( pyredner.get_device() == vertices.device )

        result = BatchRenderFunction.apply( 1, *args) + self.offset 
        assert( result.device == vertices.device )
        return result

model = RenderModule()
model = torch.nn.DataParallel( model )
batch_size = 16

optim = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=0.01)

while True:
    x = torch.randn( batch_size, 1 ).cuda()
    images = model( x )
    loss = ( images - 1.0 ).mean()

    for i in range( batch_size ):
        pyredner.imwrite( images[ i ].cpu(), 'debug_redner_%02d.exr'%i)
        if ( ( images[ i, :, :, 0 ] < 0.1 ).any() ):
            raise RuntimeError( i )
BachiLi commented 4 years ago

Should be fixed in 0.4.14. I added an argument to serialize_scene such that you can pass in a torch.device. Modifying your code into the following in 0.4.14 works for me.

import torch
import redner
import pyredner
import time
import numpy as np 

pyredner.set_use_gpu( True )

class BatchRenderFunction(torch.autograd.Function):

    def forward(ctx, seed, *args):
        batch_dims, device = args[0], args[ 1]
        args_old_format = args[2:]
        chunk_len = int(len(args_old_format)/batch_dims)
        h, w = args_old_format[12]
        result = torch.zeros(\
            batch_dims, h, w, 6, device = device, requires_grad=True)
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            sub_args = args_old_format[k*chunk_len:(k+1)*chunk_len]
            result[k, :, :, :] = pyredner.RenderFunction.forward(ctx, seed, *sub_args)
        return result

    def backward(ctx, grad_img):
        #None gradient for seed and batch_dims
        ret_list = (None, None,None,)
        batch_dims = grad_img.shape[0]
        for k in range(0, batch_dims):
            #[1:] cuz original backward function returns None grad for seed input, but we manage that ourselves
            ret_list = ret_list + pyredner.RenderFunction.backward(ctx, grad_img[k,:,:,:])[1:]
        return ret_list

class RenderModule( torch.nn.Module ):
    def __init__( self ):

                torch.tensor( 1.0 )

                torch.tensor( 0.0 )

    def forward( self, x ):
        assert( x.device == self.scale.device )
        assert( x.device == self.offset.device )

        batch_size = x.shape[ 0 ]

        cam_to_world = pyredner.transform.gen_look_at_matrix( 
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 2.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]),
            torch.tensor([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])

        camera = pyredner.Camera(
            fov = torch.tensor( [ 18.0 ] ),
            clip_near = 1e-2,
            resolution = ( 256, 256, ),
            fisheye = False,            

        vertices = []
        indices = None
        uvs = None
        normals = None

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            _vertices, _indices, _uvs, _normals = pyredner.generate_sphere(64, 128)

            vertices.append( _vertices.unsqueeze( 0 ) * self.scale )
            if indices is None: indices = _indices
            if uvs is None: uvs = _uvs
            if normals is None: normals = _normals

        vertices = vertices, dim=0)  

        args = [ batch_size, vertices.device ]

        materials = [ pyredner.Material(diffuse_reflectance=torch.tensor([0.5,0.5,0.5]))]

        for b in range( batch_size ):
            shapes = [
                    vertices = vertices[b],
                    indices = indices, 
                    uvs = uvs,
                    normals = normals,
                    material_id = 0
            time.sleep( np.random.uniform(low=0.01, high=0.05) )
            scene = pyredner.Scene(camera, shapes, materials, area_lights = [], envmap = None)
            args += pyredner.RenderFunction.serialize_scene(
                scene = scene,
                num_samples = 1,
                max_bounces = 0,
                channels = [
                                device = vertices.device

        result = BatchRenderFunction.apply( 1, *args) + self.offset 
        assert( result.device == vertices.device )
        return result

model = RenderModule()
model = torch.nn.DataParallel( model )
batch_size = 16

optim = torch.optim.SGD( model.parameters(), lr=0.01)

while True:
    x = torch.randn( batch_size, 1 ).cuda()
    images = model( x )
    loss = ( images - 1.0 ).mean()

    for i in range( batch_size ):
        pyredner.imwrite( images[i, :, :, 0].cpu(), 'debug_redner_%02d.exr'%i)
        if ( ( images[ i, :, :, 0 ] < 0.1 ).any() ):
            raise RuntimeError( i )

You may not need to store the device into the argument list anymore.

markdjwilliams commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much, I'll update to 0.4.14 and try again!

markdjwilliams commented 4 years ago

Thank you this is working well in 0.4.14 - I just had to remove the bit in pyredner/ which attempts to download freeimage (I don't have unrestricted web access within my organization).

I was not only able to run the fixed example, but my original use case is now running stably on 4 GPUs using DataParallel. I'll see if I can get DistributedDataParallel to work, too, as this should boost performance even further.

Thank you once again.