BachiLi / redner

Differentiable rendering without approximation.
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RTX 30 Series Compatibility #169

Open Yozey opened 3 years ago

Yozey commented 3 years ago


I've been using PyRedner for a while and I found it very helpful. Thanks!

Recently I upgraded my GPU from 2080Ti to 3090. With the same code and identical Conda environment, I got an error on 3090 but not on 2080Ti:

RuntimeError: Function "RTPresult _rtpModelUpdate(RTPmodel, unsigned int)" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: radix_sort_temp_size -> cub::DeviceRadixSort::SortPairs returned (8): invalid device function

With some research online, I supposed that this is due to the old version of OptiX (5.1.1). So therefore the 30Series is not supported? Is there any workaround for this problem?

(I noticed that the OptiX version needs to be older than 6.5 to compile PyRedner. Can we use the latest OptiX version?)

teamcontact commented 2 years ago

I'd like to follow up on this as I'm running into it too and think a good number of users will start to as well.

duskvirkus commented 2 years ago

I had the same problem when trying to run on colab instance with A100

chorsch commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue! Has anyone been able to find a solution?

IgorJanos commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I'm working with RTX 3090 and pytorch built with CUDA 11. Is it possible that redner is built with CUDA 10? Pytorch will not let me downgrade CUDA to 10 and complains that the GPU is not compatible. Thanks.

huhai463127310 commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I'm working with RTX 3080 Laptop GPU and pytorch built with CUDA 11.3

ForrestPi commented 2 years ago

same issue with RTX 3090Ti pytorch==1.12.0

leventt commented 2 years ago

redner is currently using Optix Prime and version 5.1 is deprecated for RTX GPUs. Last version of Optix that had Optix Prime for RTX GPUs seems to be 6.5.

Optix Prime doesn't take advantage of RTX capable Optix implementations that are shipped part of RTX drivers, hence renders will be about 10x slower compared to psdr-cuda or mitsuba-2.

If anyone may still be interested, I would suggest updating this build files to migrate to using the latest Optix Prime version supported on RTX GPUs (6.5).

I have a fork here I was able to build on Windows with RTX 3080 Ti:

You can see what I changed here:

You would have to adapt for Linux and place the binary dependencies for Optix 6.5 under an redner-dependencies/optix folder at root. but I only tried on Windows. You can download Optix 6.5 here:

You can build wheels by running this under root: pip wheel -w dist --verbose .

(I will make a PR to @BachiLi soon)

ForrestPi commented 2 years ago

@leventt I have tested using Optix 6.5 instead of mater version( ubuntu==20.04 LTS pytorch==1.11.0+cu113 RTX3090Ti and a new error occurred

scene = redner.Scene(camera, RuntimeError: Function "RTPresult _rtpModelUpdate(RTPmodel, unsigned int)" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaEventRecord( m_eventEnd, stream ) returned (700): an illegal memory access was encountered

ForrestPi commented 2 years ago

@leventt using your version ( in ubuntu==20.04 LTS pytorch==1.11.0+cu113 RTX3090Ti

File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyredner/", line 609, in unpack_args scene = redner.Scene(camera, RuntimeError: Function "RTPresult _rtpModelUpdate(RTPmodel, unsigned int)" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaEventRecord( m_eventEnd, stream ) returned (700): an illegal memory access was encountered

leventt commented 2 years ago

@ForrestPi Are you perhaps running out of memory? Can you share a snippet that recreates this for you?

I am asking but I am most likely not going to try fixing this for you. Perhaps someone else may advice. I am just pointing out that I can run redner on a 3080 Ti with

AndyWangZH commented 2 years ago

@ForrestPi @leventt Hello there! I am facing the same question when I try to install Redner on Linux 3090 based on @leventt version ( and it indeed installs successfully. But when I try to use redner there comes the error RuntimeError: Function "RTPresult _rtpModelUpdate(RTPmodel, unsigned int)" caught exception: Encountered a CUDA error: cudaEventRecord( m_eventEnd, stream ) returned (700): an illegal memory access was encountered It happens whenever I set a small batch_size or even only rendering one img. Have you figured out how to fix or solve this question?

carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

I was able to compile for python 3.9 and cuda 11.6 i didn't test it yet.

here it is

but I was haing the same _rtpModelUpdate problem as others where having.

carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

I just found why it doesnt work. Optix prime wont work for RTX30

carlosedubarreto commented 1 year ago

here is another version for python 3.9 without cuda

ggxxii commented 1 month ago

having the same issue with RTX4090 CUDA 11.8 and torch2.0.0