BackTrak / StreamDeckNvidiaBroadcastPlugin

A Stream Deck plugin that can control nVidia Broadcast video filters.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

Can only activate one/two predetermined effect #6

Open horia43 opened 3 months ago

horia43 commented 3 months ago

Hello ! First of all, cool plugin and nice work so far!

Current behavior :

When I push on Streamdeck the Background Removal button, to change the option in Nvidia Broadcast and actually take effect. I understand that I cannot have multiple effects active at the same time from the same group ( Primary effect - Background replacement/removal/blur), Secondary effect ( Autoframe,Vignette,Eye Contact, Video Noise removal ) , so when activating Background removal, it should stop the background replacement and activate brackground removal.

The buttons on Streamdeck also do not do anything if no effects are selected whatsoever in Nvidia Broadcast ( if they were removed ) The buttons on Streamdeck should add and enable / turn on the specific option even when Nvidia Broadcast doesn't have them selected.

Thank you very much for listening and hope this can be done!

BackTrak commented 3 months ago


Thanks for the detailed description, I'll see what I can do. Main issue is NVIDIA doesn't have control identifiers on the toggles so I have to dig around to figure out which effect is on which toggle. I haven't tried to switch the effects themselves, but I'm thinking that if I give you a way to say:

When I push the button on StreamDeck, and no effect matches, then override toggle 1 or toggle 2 and swap in the desired effect.

Then, you can specify which toggle you would like to set/override on button push.

I have a new version submitted to the marketplace for review that changes up how everything works, so keep an eye out for it, it should arrive in the next few days.

BackTrak commented 3 months ago

Try this one out:

There might still be some bugs... let me know if you like it!

horia43 commented 3 months ago

Hello again ! Thank you for the update !

Steps I took : Downloaded the zip, opened it, double clicked on "com.zaphop.nvidiabroadcast.exe" , it said created some new files and if I want to archive them, I first said yes, and after testing a bit I reinstalled choosing not to archive them.

I then realised that's not how it's supposed to install, so I don t know what that did, and I went to "AppData\Roaming\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins" and removed the old folder to put in the new one. ( typing this cause maybe it will help others )

After playing around for quite a bit, I can say that I crashed Nvidia quite a lot of times. I simply tested the possibilities around. Main reason for those crashes I believe is the "Slot" option, which is not really defined.. what is "Slot 1/ Slot 2" ? In my head they meant as checking the option for Performance / Quality. Buut it doesn't really change them, and not only that it doesn't change them, but it crashes the app only when some specific "Slot" is set up in the plugin. And it is not always the same one . Some effects seem to crash on Slot 1, while others on Slot 2 ( both having the option of Performance and Quality. Because there is for example AutoFrame / Vignette that don't have Performance / Quality , Video Noise removal has Strong / Weak instead, I believe these should be arranged in a data that contains the specific informations that will then be updated. I didn't get to play with changing devices / resolutions these times, If Nvidia crashed, I have to End the task of it like 4-5 times and fast in Task manager in order to be able to run it again and make another test.

As another idea ( you can tell me if you want me to make another "issue / ticket" ) , maybe you can add another functionality, to choose where would the silder be on the specific filter ? I mean, to be able to set if I want 3 buttons for the background blur, at 1%, at 34% and at 80% . ( basically any option I want, but to be able to edit it inside Streamdeck app / plugin via either a slider, a text or why not , both that will update with each other, and not to depend on what was already selected inside Nvidia Broadcast )

All in all, if I do get to know exactly what slots not to touch, and which to pick, it seems to run fine so far. So nice job !

Question, I believe I won't get "updated" automatically when Marketplace will have the new version , right ? Or.. ?

I will try to provide more help whenever a new version comes out again, and even outside github, if you're willing to try and work something together ^o^ 🍻 Cheers !