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New team role: Creditor #5

Closed BackTrak closed 8 years ago

BackTrak commented 8 years ago

Reported by juckto on 5 Jan 2010 08:14 UTC I was thinking about how nice it would be for Commanders to have the option to give out either $100 or $1000, to make it easier for supplying rescue probe whores with their funds. And this is what I came up with instead:

* A Commander can choose any player to become a Creditor.
* A Creditor stops donating until he reaches his credit limit.
* If his credit drops below his credit limit, he stops donating again.
* The credit limit can be adjusted by the Commander.
* The team can have more than one Creditor.


The Team Pane will need to be altered to include a new pane: Increase Credit And either: Add a new column to the Team Pane for Credit Limit Or: Change the Credits column to display: "Credits / Limit". i.e. 0 / 100

Pressing "Increase Credit" the first time should set the credit limit to $1. This will allow a commander to assign gs pilots exactly how he wants by simply making them creditors. Pressing it more will increase the limit by $100. (Should also check that the $1 doesn't carry over: $101, $201, $301 etc.)

You'll also need to repress the "Stopped donating", "Started donating", messages that would get spammed in this scenario: a Creditor reached his limit, starts donating again, spends some of his credit, so stops donating, reaches his limit, ad infintum.

To stop someone being a Creditor, you'll need to either: Create a new panel "Stop Crediting" or: Create a new panel "Decrease Credit". When the limit reaches zero the Creditor is canceled. or my personal favourite: Have the "Increase Credit" panel only work if you have already set a player to "Stop donating". So if you decide to make them donate to you again, you cancel their credit limit at the same time.

A sound effect should be for a player when they are initially made a Creditor. "You have been designated Investor" seems like the obvious one, but the other option is to record a new one (Lawson?). (Also need one for when they stop being a Creditor, perhaps?)

BackTrak commented 8 years ago

Comment by fuzzylunkin1 on 5 Jan 2010 08:16 UTC Right click has been added to Single Donation for a $500 credit. The $100 left click single donation button repeats if you hold it down. Autodonate functionality has also been changed since the time of this entry. This bug seems like it is no longer valid as-is.

BackTrak commented 8 years ago

Comment by fuzzylunkin1 on 5 Jan 2010 08:17 UTC '''Imago''' Yes, I made the previous comment and fuzz sucks.

BackTrak commented 8 years ago

Modified by bp on 8 Jan 2010 18:37 UTC