Backblaze / B2_Command_Line_Tool

The command-line tool that gives easy access to all of the capabilities of B2 Cloud Storage
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[BUG] Encoding issue, cannot download files from B2 to Local HDD. Cannot encode to CP1252 on stdout #778

Open jeffward01 opened 2 years ago

jeffward01 commented 2 years ago


I discovered this issue and originally thought it was a 'Connection Pool' issue which I commented here. <-- There are a few comments in this link that pertain to this current issue #778


In the comments, I was speaking to [ppolewicz] and he correctly pointed out that it is an error where they b2 python CLI tool cannot encode my file names to cp1252.

Screenshots of the errors from the B2 CLI tool

Here are some screenshots of the errors using the b2 CLI tool




In the comments, I was speaking to [ppolewicz] and he correctly pointed out that it is an error where they b2 python CLI tool cannot encode my file names to cp1252.

What I have tried

I thought that if I could identify and generate a list of the filenames which could not be encoded to cp1252, I could rename each filename to an acceptable filename which the b2 CLI tool could handle.

Expected Result:

4.) I expected that the filenames that the b2 CLI tool cannot encode to cp1252, to also throw an error within my own Console App. I expected the same files which the b2 CLI tool app has issues encoding to cp1252 also have issues within my own Console App, and my Console App would not be able to encode the same files to cp1252.

Then problematic target files that cannot be encoded to cp1252 will be marked as error within my Console App so that I could identify the problem files and rename the files using the B2 API

Actual Result:

4.) No encoding errors occurred and all file names were accurately mapped from UTF-8 or UTF-16 to cp1252 within my console app. No encoding issues occured.


At this point, I am somewhat at a loss and looking for direction to how I or we should fix this. I can provide anything that you guys need to help come to a solution to fix this (I would love to help too, I also wrote a Console App to help fix this).

I can share anything that you guys need including:


ppolewicz commented 2 years ago

🤔 can you write a snippet (bash, c# or b2-sdk-python maybe) which would upload a single empty file with a problematic filename? It would make things much easier to debug. Alternatively if one of the files in question is not a secret, maybe you could create a key limited to a prefix (so in reality to just one object) so that I can inspect it on your bucket?

This would be way easier to debug if I could reproduce it locally

jeffward01 commented 2 years ago

@ppolewicz sure thing, let me give it a go and see if I can narrow it down as you suggested.

I will let you know if I have any issues narrowing it down the problematic file names in the method which you suggested, and will post my findings here.

PS: If I need to create a script, it'll be C# (I like brackets)