Backblaze / b2-sdk-java

The official Java SDK for using Backblaze's B2 Storage APIs
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Getting "B2Exception 500 internal_error: incident id" when using Java SDK #100

Closed markoglasgow closed 4 years ago

markoglasgow commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

When we upload large amounts of files to B2 using the Java SDK, we periodically get the following error:

First example:

Exception in thread "main" <B2Exception 500 internal_error: incident id 0c6058816065-iYokSPwuQYGT0tClXcbcOA==> at com.backblaze.b2.client.exceptions.B2Exception.create( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.extractExceptionFromErrorResponse( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.postAndReturnString( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.postDataReturnJson( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClientWebifierImpl.uploadPart( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.lambda$uploadOnePart$4( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2Retryer.doRetry( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.uploadOnePart( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.lambda$uploadPartsAndFinish$1( at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

Second example:

Exception in thread "main" <B2Exception 500 internal_error: incident id 0c6058816065-Oa7JCWAaRfilmex+EMgnoA==> at com.backblaze.b2.client.exceptions.B2Exception.create( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.extractExceptionFromErrorResponse( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.postAndReturnString( at com.backblaze.b2.client.webApiHttpClient.B2WebApiHttpClientImpl.postDataReturnJson( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2StorageClientWebifierImpl.uploadPart( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.lambda$uploadOnePart$4( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2Retryer.doRetry( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.uploadOnePart( at com.backblaze.b2.client.B2LargeFileUploader.lambda$uploadPartsAndFinish$1( at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at

It uploads thousands of files for hours correctly before we get this error.

What causes the error? How should we handle it? Should we restart the upload of the affected file?

I posted to B2 Zendesk support about this, but they told me to make a Github issue here.


certainmagic commented 4 years ago

Hi Marko --

I'm sorry you're having trouble. :(

Occasionally, we have internal errors that prevent you from uploading. We try to track them down and fix them.

When you get an error that is preventing you from uploading a large file, the SDK has already done all of the retrying it can do in a reasonable period of time. If you call B2StorageClient.finishUploadingLargeFile() the SDK will try to finish uploading only the parts it hadn't uploaded yet.

Here are some things you should consider when using large files in general:

does this help?

thanks, ab

markoglasgow commented 4 years ago

Hi ab,

It's all good! Thank you for the tip on unfinishedLargeFiles() iterator that does help a lot :)

I was able to implement some retry logic on my end and now everything is working fine. Thank you for your help, and happy holidays!
