Backblaze / boardwalk

A linear remote execution workflow engine built on top of Ansible
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Boardwalkd: API service accounts #19

Open m4wh6k opened 1 year ago

m4wh6k commented 1 year ago

Boardwalk is intended to be able to be used for workflows that run for very long periods of time; weeks or months. Currently all authentication is built around human users authenticating as themselves. The default API token session lifetime is 2 weeks, and if a session token expires, boardwalk will automatically attempt to get a fresh session token by either opening the default web browser to re-authenticate, or by prompting the user to visit an authentication url.

The current API auth model works very well where users are interacting with the CLI on a workstation, but doesn't translate well when the CLI is executed by some kind of headless shared scheduler, such as a cron job, for example. Some concept of "service accounts" is needed for access granted to systems or services that aren't humans.

Service accounts should

Service accounts may