Backdrop4Good / blm2020

Black Lives Matter Memphis 2020
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Phase One "bare bones" functionality #11

Open laryn opened 6 years ago

laryn commented 6 years ago

Can we do an initial bare-bones phase where we get the skeleton (Backdrop/CiviCRM) in place and configured enough to allow people to create accounts, submit data, do a basic search/filter on a Views table that pulls from CiviCRM, etc. before the full roll-out of visual map, searchability, etc.? That way we'd be able to get people populating the data in a pre-official-launch phase.

laryn commented 5 years ago

@serundeputy What needs to happen to get this bare bones phase functional? Then they can start populating the site even if development is not complete yet. Some open questions:

laryn commented 5 years ago

@serundeputy @rick02840 and others, I have a new thought here. The entity syncing seems to be a major hold up so I'm wondering if we push all of that to Phase Two and for this alpha 'data collection' functionality we just use CiviCRM functionality (along with Webform CiviCRM). We allow people to do a basic search, add a new contact (linked to their contact info via CiviCRM relationship, indicate whether they want to "own/claim" this entry when that functionality is in place).

Any feedback before I try to mock this up on staging?

rick02840 commented 5 years ago

Hi @laryn there was a Hack for Western Mass meeting on Tuesday so that's why I did a bit of work on this (updated Backdrop). I think I need to understand his project better. I see an overview here:

...a directory of black-owned businesses in Memphis. This should end up being a kind of Yelp-lite, where the community can add, edit, and rate businesses. It seems like a Backdrop/CiviCRM solution could be appropriate

What confuses me a bit is why Civi is needed. What is described in the above can be done without Civi. Civi is great but it adds a LOT of complication that may or may not be needed for this site.

Looking at the original Jan 26 post above:

Where is the staging site online located, and can we get login user / pass (not here obviously)?

And to answer your question: "The entity syncing seems to be a major hold up so I'm wondering ..." Yes, that sounds like something that will not be simple. But hard to really answer anything without understanding the whole project: How Civi wants to be used, how the Drupal site wants to be used, etc. Thanks! Rick

rick02840 commented 5 years ago

Also.... we'll need a way to easily grab a database backup from the staging site, since I assume that will be the "canonical" database where content it entered. Possibly getting a user/pass to that will allow export via backup/migrate, not sure... Or some other way.

laryn commented 5 years ago

@rick02840 I initially suggested the CiviCRM component because in inviting public input into the directory, it's inevitable that there will be duplicates created and I thought being able to use CiviCRM's deduplication process would be helpful. As well, the concept (especially in early phases) invites people to submit black owned businesses that they may not own (ie. without "claiming" them and keeping editorial control) and using CiviCRM would allow them to be attached to the business via a relationship, but not necessarily added as the author/owner of the business node.

This and because there is potential that BLM Memphis will use other CiviCRM features such as donations, CiviMail, etc. as part of the directory management (e.g. send a message to all businesses in a certain sub-category, etc.). And although I haven't even mentioned to them, as finances are tight everywhere and especially volunteer run orgs that subsist on personal donations, I was thinking that a long term possibility could be allowing a "membership" system (again via CiviCRM) so member businesses get highlighted in the listings in some way. I'm not sure if that is something they'd be interested in or not.

That said, in the early phase especially, I think a case could be made to do this the other way around and do a straight Backdrop setup and potentially import/link to CiviCRM in the future after there is more content and they are ready to scale up or adjust we could export/import/link the two sides. And using Backdrop features in this first phase may make sense as this is a #Backdrop4Good project, not a #CiviCRM4Good project. 😉

@serundeputy Any thoughts from your side? Also on the database backup question and how you think we should handle staging details/credentials in general.