Backupiseasy / ThreatPlates

Nameplate addon for World of Warcraft
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Abreviation / Extra Spacebar Bug #444

Open Antorinia opened 1 year ago

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

can you add abbreviation to headline view please pls pls pls? i tried to do it by myself, but failed hard (also there is a bug in headline view, time to time mobs have extrta spacebar between two words in the name)

good looking name

and bad looking one with extra space

even in NPC role

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

Does this extra space happen consistently (e.g., always for Cousin Slowhands) or randomly? There are already options to abbreviate names, either by length or, e.g., only showing last name, ... see General - Names - Healthbar View - Abbreviation.

Ah, just noticing that abbreviations are not avalilable in headline view ... hm.

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

Hm, it looks fine for me: image

So it seems to be related to something else. No idea currently.

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

I think this happend for me once as well, but I cannot remember any more what was the reason. Do you have enabled to transliterate cyrillic characters? Part of that code is to replace one space with two and revert that later, but I guess this might be bugged.

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

So, I find a fix for this now, but I am still not sure why it is happening. Some weird interaction between gsub function, cyrillic characters and (double) space ...

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

if its just cyrillic letters ill disable it and thats it, but id like to see abbreviations in headline view :D

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

Does this extra space happen consistently (e.g., always for Cousin Slowhands) or randomly? There are already options to abbreviate names, either by length or, e.g., only showing last name, ... see General - Names - Healthbar View - Abbreviation.

Ah, just noticing that abbreviations are not avalilable in headline view ... hm.

fix abbreviations when you have time please <3 <3 <3

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

Well, abbreviations in headline view are not bugged, I just always thought that the don't make sense in headline view as the whole mode is about showing only the name. But I guess you could think differently. Changing that, i.e., also enabling it in headline view is not difficult. Will see if I can add it to 11.2.0.

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

And yes, it's just transliteration of cyrillic letters that creates this 2-space defect.

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

Well, abbreviations in headline view are not bugged, I just always thought that the don't make sense in headline view as the whole mode is about showing only the name. But I guess you could think differently. Changing that, i.e., also enabling it in headline view is not difficult. Will see if I can add it to 11.2.0.

i just dont want long names for neutrals and out of combat mobs thank you very much, great addon love you <3

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

and one more thing, just suggestion can you add here


not just all NPCs but sepparete it the way blizzard did it like here


quest NPCs so for example i dont see NPCs i dont need, but still can see headline view for quest NPCs to completly get rid of classic blizzard names

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

Backupiseasy can check post above?

Antorinia commented 1 year ago


Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

Regarding the question about Quest NPCs, that has been requested already several times:, see

But there is no easy way to find out which type of NPC a particular unit is. There is no API for that. Plater does it, but by keeping a list of NPC ids I think (last time I looked). That's far to hard to maintain for me.

In Shadowlands there might now be a way based on the GameObjectIcon. That's an idea I had recently, but I am not sure.

Antorinia commented 1 year ago

what about abbreviations for headline view? <3

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

I'll try to add it to 11.2, but no promises :)

Antorinia commented 1 year ago


cant use this tag?

Antorinia commented 8 months ago

can you add abbreviation to headline view please pls pls pls? i tried to do it by myself, but failed hard

Backupiseasy broooooooooo please take a lewk again <3