Backupiseasy / ThreatPlates

Nameplate addon for World of Warcraft
35 stars 19 forks source link

no nameplates in pvp #450

Closed Ssesmar closed 1 year ago

Ssesmar commented 1 year ago

didnt show any nameplate in pvp

Backupiseasy commented 1 year ago

Currently, these seems to be a general WoW problem, not related to Threat Plates:

Once possible fix seems to be to update nameplate max distance with

/run SetCVar(“nameplatePlayerMaxDistance”, 60)


/run SetCVar(“nameplateMaxDistance”, 60)

It does not seem to work in all cases though.

Ssesmar commented 1 year ago

it works now as i typed i /run SetCVar("nameplatePlayerMaxDistance", 60)