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Skippy #110

Open maboa opened 4 years ago

maboa commented 4 years ago


As described in section 11.11.B of the BIFFUD Corporate Bylaws I hereby invoke my rights as a sentient being who has not uploaded their mind to the cloud for consideration of this project application by the BIFFUD Hive Mind. With this application I submit my interest in becoming a Member of BIFFUD and having this project supported and adored by all who can 🤔.

Project Information

Project Description

Words are overrated, especially when they come out of the mouths of - oh I don't know - politicians. So let's remove their silly words and just watch their stupid expressions between words and all save ourselves a lot of time. Skippy will use the opensource inaSpeechSegmenter to split the audio track of YouTube files into segments. ie

*labels  start   stop*

female  0.0 15.4
male    15.4    25.48
noEnergy    25.48   26.18
male    26.18   50.26
female  50.26   61.44
noEnergy    61.44   62.28
female  62.28   90.8
male    90.8    97.60000000000001
female  97.60000000000001   109.18
music    109.18  109.60000000000001

The user can then decide whether to just listen to the gaps between words (noEnergy), just the musical parts, just (what the algorithm) decides are female. We use the YouTube API to then skip to the appropriate parts so the file remains intact and no laws are broken. This skipped version can then be easily shared.

Prototype-like example here: (needs work on the buffering side). If front-end skipping proves too problematic we could create the file on the backend but would need to make sure that the file can only be downloaded and not linked to, this would have the added benefit of allowing us to brand the video with "created by skippy" text.

Bylaw Questions

How is this project a bad idea?

This could become extremely popular causing us to pay unknown amounts of money for hosting.

If this project were a D&D Character, what alignment would it be and why?

Alignment (CHOOSE ONE):

Don't know? This might help

Where are the lulz?

Watching people's expressions between words

How does this project make people thinking face emoji?

What's the point of removing words from a video - it's like anti-transcription.

Who is involved?

[For each member...]

Who will be the project's Comptroller?

Mark Boas

Is this realistic to implement via BIFFUD?

Sure. It'll be fine.

Next Steps

  1. Attend the next scheduled BIFFUD plotting session to plead your case.
    • prototype
    • project application
    • get keys to biffud AWS
    • install inadeepsegmenter
    • install youtube-dl
    • wire things together
    • profit!!!

How (often) will you be providing updates to the organization?

[Ideas are great, action is better! How often should we expect you to be able to make progress? How would you like to report back] Monthly.

slifty commented 4 years ago


slifty commented 4 years ago


Chaotic God

I like it.

maboa commented 4 years ago

We've decided that labelling as female and male is problematic and so we will remove any reference to gender in our labelling.

We will allow users to alter the labelling to suit themselves.