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Slack MUD Engine #64

Open slifty opened 6 years ago

slifty commented 6 years ago

BIFFUD Project Application

As described in section 11.11.B of the BIFFUD Corporate Bylaws I hereby invoke my rights as a sentient being who has not uploaded their mind to the cloud for consideration of this project application by the BIFFUD Hive Mind. With this application I submit my interest in becoming a Member of BIFFUD and having this project supported and adored by all who can 🤔.

Project Information

I can't talk right now.
It's pitch black. Edit Status:
Eaten by a grue.

Project Description

Slack recently changed the way their emoji work so that there's no vertical or horizontal whitespace between tiles. This means slack can support grids of arbitray animated pixel art. Combine that with the slack API and BOOM you have a multi user 2-D grid based video game engine on your hands.

We absolutely must build that engine.

Bylaw Questions

How is this project a bad idea?

Slack is a platform for group communication, not video games.

If this project were a D&D Character, what alignment would it be and why?

Alignment (CHOOSE ONE): Chaotic Good

Where are the lulz?

The real lulz are in the games we will be able to now create. Electric Slide Simulator? Consider it done. The possibilities for Slack video games are endless. Chess. Tetris. Super Mario Bros. Unreal Tournament. Counterstrike. Starcraft. Zelda, Breath of the Wild.

Dwarf Fortress.

How does this project make people thinking face emoji?

This will be the modern day version of programmable calculator video games from your youth.

Who is involved?

[For each member...]

Who will be the project's Comptroller?

Dan Schultz

Is this realistic to implement via BIFFUD?

Yes, and as an added bonus hopefully it will break our slack.

Next Steps

  1. Attend the next scheduled BIFFUD plotting session to plead your case.
  2. The first step is going to be to list the next steps... If I haven't done this before presenting the idead, you really should not approve the project.

How (often) will you be providing updates to the organization?

I'd like to dedicate one live coding sessions per month on this project.

riordan commented 6 years ago

You may want to talk with @mgiraldo about getting this to work with The MUD of Babel (a generative MUD built off of Library of Congress records).