BadMonkeysTeam / Dynanimator

An animation package for the Dynamo visual programming environment
MIT License
17 stars 3 forks source link

Need better samples #2

Closed andydandy74 closed 9 years ago

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@vasshaug - A job for you?

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@vasshaug - Saw the first sample you made and I think it looks great. I like the idea of basing all samples on the sample project file that ships with Revit and always using the same visual style.

I think it would be enough to keep the GIF file on the repo, though - no need for all the single frames.

How about we create a subfolder for each workflow in the samples folder?

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

This would make a great model for a sample video: And this, too:

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

I created a set of sample animations all of which are based on the samples included in the actual package (22582ffc1fe826824f5b96e09189cf70f3714ade). They live in and can be viewed on the wiki: