BadMonkeysTeam / Dynanimator

An animation package for the Dynamo visual programming environment
MIT License
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New function structure? #6

Closed redinkinc closed 9 years ago

redinkinc commented 9 years ago

Hello, I modified the Dynanimator Numeric Parameter as shown in the attached screenshot. capture In my opinion this has several advantages.

If you agree, I will apply this modification to all nodes and Push/pull this to your repo. If you have already other thoughts on this I would be happy to know about. Thanks, Fabian

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

This looks great! I actually see another advantage: it makes it a lot easier swapping out the image export function against another function like e.g. a SAT Export or a Save As operation for the Revit model.

I would strongly recommend this change. Any objections, @vasshaug & @jbenoit44?

@redinkinc - If we go ahead with this, please keep the two following points in mind:

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

No objections from @jbenoit44 - waiting for @vasshaug ...

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

Green light from @vasshaug, too. Go ahead, Fabian! :-)

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@redinkinc - I wonder if it may make sense to keep the Transaction.End nodes in the top level Dynanimate nodes (in front of the Function.Compose node).

redinkinc commented 9 years ago

I now versioned to Dynamo und uploaded my new version to I called the functions Helper instead of Nested because in my opinion all functions are nested here. I also added the Number Parameter for Export as image as optional, because the node can be used without handing in a number. then a view can be exported with the same node. The version I first intended (see top image of this issue) appeared to be unstable to iteration-handling. capture Please let me now if this is also feasible for you. Fabian

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@redinkinc - Yes, I remember now that that was the reason I used the nested custom nodes in the first place. It's awkward, but otherwise the List.Map operation won't execute correctly.

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@redinkinc - So, having thought about this a little, I still think it's an improvement compared to what we have now and you should go ahead with it. While we are in fact introducing another level of nesting, the advantages you identified are still there - and I think they outweigh the disadvantage of the added complexity of another level of nesting. There is just one more thing: The Number input of the ExportAsImage node should be labeled Name or, perhaps even better, Name Suffix as it may not always be a number. For example, have a look at this change I am planning to make to the DynanimatorFunction Phases node (which btw also shows that we may not always be able to create cleanly separated helper functions): phases

redinkinc commented 9 years ago

I have also added a new function ExportAsGBXML in my local structure. Question is now if this should also be included in Dynanimator to generate multiple design solutions to evaluate in GBS. When yes, issue #7 is even more important, because "DynanimateFunction Numeric Parameter" is then no longer distinct. Fabian

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

@redinkinc - Regarding the gbXML export - cool!

So far we have avoided adding nodes to Dynanimator that contain "regular" functionality (i.e. nodes that would work perfectly well without Dynanimator). That's the reason why Dynanimator has a dependency on package Clockwork: it uses some of Clockwork's nodes (e.g. to set element transparency) but only does so in wrapping a helper function around the original node. Once @jbenoit44 has migrated the displacement set node he made for last year's hackathon, we'll have another dependency on package SteamNodes.

I would actually like to keep it that way. This way, everyone can maintain their stuff separately. Any chance you could add it to your DynamoUtilities package instead and we make it a dependency?

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

And yes, I am aware that there's Dynamo does not deal well with dependency versions at the moment (as noted in reported by me and reported by you). But I am sure that's going to be resolved once they revamp the package manager. Also, if you want to keep DynamoUitilities strictly DLL-Based, I would have no problem at all hosting the gbXML export in package Clockwork... ;-)

andydandy74 commented 9 years ago

Merged the pull request #8 and did some tests - everything's great. Thanks again, @redinkinc !