BadgerOnABike / BurnP3.HelpR

A package for R that assists with Burn-P3 input generation.
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Spread Event Days Fire Ending Event #7

Open BadgerOnABike opened 3 years ago

BadgerOnABike commented 3 years ago

Give the user the ability to assign a fire ending event. In this case the weather threshold would be broken once and all days until the fire ending event is met would be used for the potential spread event day.

denysed commented 3 years ago

I was looking further at the code for the sp_event_day function. A fire ending event is somewhat included in the current formulation of the code, in here: over_thresh <- x$dmc >= 20 & x$fwi >= min_fwi

Xianli in the past defined dmc < 20 as a fire stopping event. Perhaps you could give users the ability to define a dmc threshold of interest (with default being dmc <20), though I'm not sure how often that would be used? I'm sort of trying to think through what most users would need/ want.

BadgerOnABike commented 3 years ago

Alright, yes I can do that for sure. This was an attempt to ensure that if your min FWI is really small that the DMC is above the standard "fire end" threshold. But yes, I should be more explicit with that.