Badhamknibbs / SCPCB_DunGen_LC

Adds the SCP facility as a potential dungeon spawn in Lethal Company.
MIT License
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914 #22

Open legionofnod opened 7 months ago

legionofnod commented 7 months ago

Similar to #20 , when a shotgun is placed on the input, it will report an error and lock the door of the 914 after processing is complete You can scan for a shotgun on the output and can appear across the door to interact with the buttons, but can't actually remove it

The error log is as follows

> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] Getting round manager
> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] Contained item count: 8
> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] Found grabbable item Shotgun
> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] No conversion, making new item with new scrap value
> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] Preprocessing done
> [Info   :SCPCBDunGen] Item is scrap or null, generating a copy with new value
> [Error  : Unity Log] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: 'minValue' cannot be greater than maxValue.
> Parameter name: minValue
> Stack trace:
> System.Random.Next (System.Int32 minValue, System.Int32 maxValue) (at <787acc3c9a4c471ba7d971300105af24>:IL_001D)
> SCP914Converter.ConvertItem (System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] lNetworkObjectReferences, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] lScrapValues, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue] dcCurrentMapping, GrabbableObject grabbable) (at <fefc5b40a7d9463f90c2d0db08ba623e>:IL_01A3)
> SCP914Converter+<ConversionProcess>d__30.MoveNext () (at <fefc5b40a7d9463f90c2d0db08ba623e>:IL_01F9)
> UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <e27997765c1848b09d8073e5d642717a>:IL_0026)