Baganator / Syndicator

World of Warcraft addon to keep track of where your items are in all your characters bags, banks, mails, void storage, auctions and guilds. Used by Baganator.
MIT License
5 stars 4 forks source link

Request: meta keyword for known Crafting Professions? #19

Open Jahfry opened 1 month ago

Jahfry commented 1 month ago

While I'm on the keyword train ...

Request: a meta keyword for "professions I know".

Example: if my character knows Engineering and Alchemy, then when the character loads the 'known_profession' keyword would validate to those 2 professions.

When used in a search rule as '#known_profession' any items crafted by that profession would go into the category dynamically.

Would also be useful for 'known_profession_reagents' category.

Jahfry commented 1 month ago

PS. I'm mostly done filing requests. Thanks for whichever ones you can get to. I think the ones I've laid out will go a long way towards making Baganator/Syndicator even more dynamic for inventories.