BahamutDragon / pcgen

PCGen Data Sets
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Error Loading Bahamut 3.5 Modules #1088

Open goozillah opened 2 years ago

goozillah commented 2 years ago

Here is the list of modules I am loading into PCGen v6.08.oo RC8


And here is the error that appears.


BahamutDragon commented 2 years ago

That is the error when you have a mismatched data set version to pcgen version. Confirm you are only using the 6.08 branch for pcgen 6.08.x?

dakota-white69 commented 2 years ago

hello, I am trying to add your homebrew and i am getting this message. I can not find the file that its looking for. Capture

BahamutDragon commented 1 year ago

Are you using the right gamemode?

Loryer00 commented 1 year ago

Hi @BahamutDragon, I have the same problem too. I installed Gi correctly and I cloned your project on the pc in a folder that is not the PCGen installation folder. Then I took the folders and copied/overwrote them with the PCGen installation ones. Everything seemed to work until when I chose the sources and loaded them I got the error you see above. I'll post you my Log, I hope you can help me, thanks PCGEN_LOG.txt

BahamutDragon commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delay. Same exact issue. You are using the MASTER Data designed for 6.09.xx in 6.08.xx which are not compatible. You need to download the 6.08 data to work with the 6.08 version of pcgen.

Rhadymanthus commented 10 months ago

Sorry to continue this thread, but I am suffering the same issue. I have tried installing into both PCGen 6.08.00 RC08 and RC10. When I select Game 3.5e In both cases I get the same error as displayed by the previous poster, i.e. most of the supplement sources are highlighted in red and return the error INCLUDESBOOKTYPE=Core35e when I try to load them.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I dearly wish to continue using PCGen with all this fantastic expansion material.

BahamutDragon commented 10 months ago

To use the 3.5e content there are two options: 1) Copy the included system/gamemodes content into your pcgen installation /system/gamemodes folder and then select 'Bahamut35e' as the system when PCGen loads up, which will assure only sets that are compatible will be available. or 2) Select the proper core sets (PH, DMG, and MM) which is all contained within the book loader named 'Dungeons & Dragons - Core Books'.

The expansion books requires at minimum the proper core books to load regardless of using method 1 or 2.