Closed vehrka closed 9 years ago
Hi Mate,
Not able to replicate the reported issue. Loading the character provided, Divine Favor is able to be added manually. What I will do is force the spell to be added properly to side step the issue, and grant the spell to the list at the same time.
Note there is a "bug". Divine Favor does not appear until the spell list is refreshed - either reloading the PC, or leveling up. This would be a pcgen team issue, which is outside of my capability to address.
The pcgen team takes issue reports at I would call it a code issue. Summary: SPELLLEVEL:CLASS requires the PC to be reloaded or level up to get access to the spells.
Fix is in. The spells now appear in the known section. The spell list still has the bug.
checked out and I can confirm that the Spell now appears only after reloading the Character.
Thanks for the advice!
Version: 6.04.01 Sources: data/5e/wizards_of_the_coast/core/players_handbook
When creating a Cleric with the War Domain the 1st level «Divine Favor» spell (which is a Paladin Spell) cannot be added as a Known Spell (it only lists the Cleric Spells)