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Forgotten realms - Missing Halfling Races #60

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago


So I am not sure it this is a correct place, but I would like to ask You to implement Forgotten realms campaign setting Halfling Subraces into the sources for 3.0.

Thank You :D

BahamutDragon commented 10 years ago

Requires 3.0 Core Books to be implemented. Need to tackle that first. (opening a new issue for that)

FerretDave commented 10 years ago

Lukas - just to ensure you're aware, only the Forgotten Realms Campaign Sourcebook is 3.0, the Players Guide to Faerun onwards is 3.5 (the players guide updates and quite significantly modifies many FRCS elements to 3.5).

BahamutDragon commented 10 years ago

According to my master list that isn't quite true. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting and it's supplemental source books of Lords of Darkness, Monsters of Faerun, Races of Faerun, Faiths and Pantheons, and Magic of Faerun are all 3rd edition sources as well.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thank You for the warning Dave :)

And Yes You are right, Player's Guide to Faerun makes applies some changes in earlier books related to Faerun. But Bahamut is also right, that those books are in most part 3.0. If they weren't, then PGTF wouldn't need to apply any changes. I think :)

FerretDave commented 10 years ago

Ok, so those books must be pre PG then :-) I have to admit, I thought 'Races' was post PG though, but that's just me. I moved up to 3.5 and never looked back (well, only when trying to code up FRCS to pcgen!)

The FRCS/PG source in BD's repo is semi combined for 3.5 (as you need the PG stuff to replace so much of FRCS), so it needs separating fully to make a 3.5 set. Make the jump to 3.5, it's worth it :-) You probably wont notice most differences...other than the vast support PCGen gives over 3.0.

BahamutDragon commented 10 years ago

Yes, those books are written for 3rd edition. However, besides a few skill changes, and how monsters progress, books from 3rd edition can be converted to 3.5. Which Dave has been assisting me with. The question posed to you. Do you want to use the 3rd edition rules, or the updated 3.5 edition rules? That sets the stage. 3rd edition has different key skills (Animal Empathy, Innuendo, Pick Pockets, etc.) different feats (Ambidexterity, Sunder, etc.) and actual different progression for monsters compared to the PC classes. On top of that Damage Reduction is changed between the two. Compare the differences and decide which version suits your game needs. If you want 3rd edition, I can make the core 3rd edition books and provide the Halfling subraces as requested. I just want to make sure you will play 3rd edition, otherwise my time is better spent on updating books that need work or responding to other off list requests.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Dave You are right, Races of Faerun, and Underdark are 3.5 and as You'll notice they are not on 3.0 list which Bahamut has written in earlier post.

Well Dave I am thinking about switching to 3.5, but the decision is tough and it's based upon few factors:

So what I am trying to do is to figure out what version will give me most flexibility, and as much content as I can possibly get.

So Bahamut, If it'll take a lot of work (and i believe it will), then it'll be better to focus on 3.5. because I cannot tell You just yet what will be my decision.

Thank You guys :)

Cheers, Luke

BahamutDragon commented 10 years ago

Having the books for 3rd edition just requires a little more effort to bring it up to 3.5 edition.

I have a file in the repo that makes knowing whether a book was initially released with 3rd or 3.5 rules in mind. I highlighted the Forgotten Realms sources that I recognized. This is the official release dates and books for 3rd edition from the Wizards of the Coast website: 2000/08 Character Sheets 2000/08 Dungeons & Dragons Adventure Game 2000/08 Player's Handbook 2000/09 Dungeon Master Screen 2000/09 Dungeon Master's Guide 2000/09 Gazetteer 2000/09 Pool of Radiance: Attack on Myth Drannor 2000/09 Sunless Citadel 2000/10 Into the Dragon's Lair 2000/10 Monster Manual 2000/11 Forge of Fury 2000/11 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer 2000/12 Diablo II: Diablerie 2000/12 Hero Builder's Guidebook 2000/12 Caves of Shadow 2001/01 Speaker in Dreams 2001/01 Sword and Fist 2001/02 Monsters of Faerûn 2001/03 Diablo II: To Hell and Back 2001/03 Psionics Handbook 2001/04 Standing Stone 2001/05 Defenders of the Faith 2001/06 Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2001/06 Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil 2001/07 Tome and Blood 2001/08 Heart of Nightfang Spire 2001/08 Magic of Faerûn 2001/09 Manual of the Planes 2001/10 Enemies and Allies 2001/10 Oriental Adventures 2001/11 Deep Horizon 2001/11 Lords of Darkness 2001/12 Song and Silence 2002/01 Lord of the Iron Fortress 2002/02 Forgotten Realms Dungeon Master's Screen 2002/02 Masters of the Wild 2002/03 Bastion of Broken Souls 2002/04 Deities and Demigods 2002/05 Faiths and Pantheons 2002/05 Stronghold Builder's Guidebook 2002/06 Book of Challenges 2002/07 Epic Level Handbook 2002/07 Silver Marches 2002/09 City of the Spider Queen 2002/09 Monster Manual II 2002/10 Book of Vile Darkness 2003/02 Savage Species 2003/03 Arms and Equipment Guide 2003/03 Races of Faerûn 2003/04 Fiend Folio 2003/05 Unapproachable East 2003/06 Ghostwalk

3.5 edition is in this list: ---- 3.5 Edition 2003/06 Dungeon Master's Guide v.3.5 2003/07 Monster Manual v.3.5 2003/07 Player's Handbook v.3.5 2003/08 Dragonlance Campaign Setting 2003/09 Miniatures Handbook 2003/10 Book of Exalted Deeds 2003/10 Underdark 2003/11 Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons 2003/12 Complete Warrior 2004/01 Deluxe Character Sheets 2004/01 Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen 2004/02 Unearthed Arcana 2004/03 Player's Guide to Faerûn 2004/04 Expanded Psionics Handbook 2004/04 Map Folio I 2004/05 Complete Divine 2004/06 Eberron Campaign Setting 2004/07 Planar Handbook 2004/07 Serpent Kingdoms 2004/07 Shadows of the Last War 2004/08 Map Folio II 2004/08 Races of Stone 2004/09 Dungeons & Dragons Basic Game 2004/09 Frostburn: Mastering the Perils of Ice and Snow 2004/09 Monster Manual III 2004/09 Whispers of the Vampire's Blade 2004/10 Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead 2004/10 Player's Handbook (Special Edition) 2004/10 Shining South 2004/11 Complete Arcane 2004/11 Map Folio 3-D 2004/11 Sharn: City of Towers 2004/12 Races of Destiny 2005/01 Complete Adventurer 2005/01 Grasp of the Emerald Claw 2005/02 Lost Empires of Faerûn 2005/02 Races of the Wild 2005/03 Sandstorm: Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand 2005/04 Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations 2005/04 Races of Eberron 2005/05 Champions of Ruin 2005/05 Heroes of Battle 2005/06 City of Splendors: Waterdeep 2005/06 Dungeon Master's Guide II 2005/07 Eberron Deluxe Dungeon Master's Screen 2005/07 Five Nations 2005/07 Weapons of Legacy 2005/08 Deluxe Eberron Character Sheets 2005/08 Explorer's Handbook 2005/08 Stormwrack: Mastering the Perils of Wind and Wave 2005/09 Fantastic Locations: Fane of the Drow 2005/09 Magic of Incarnum 2005/09 Sons of Gruumsh 2005/10 Dungeon Master's Guide (Special Edition) 2005/10 Heroes of Horror 2005/10 Magic of Eberron 2005/11 Champions of Valor 2005/11 Fantastic Locations: Hellspike Prison 2005/12 Spell Compendium 2006/01 Player's Guide to Eberron 2006/01 Races of the Dragon 2006/02 Red Hand of Doom 2006/03 Power of Faerûn 2006/03 Tome of Magic 2006/04 Complete Psionic 2006/04 Fantastic Locations: Fields of Ruin 2006/04 Voyage of the Golden Dragon 2006/05 Player's Handbook II 2006/06 Dungeons & Dragons Player's Kit 2006/06 Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss 2006/06 Mysteries of the Moonsea 2006/07 Fantastic Locations: Dragonsdown Grotto 2006/07 Monster Manual IV 2006/07 Secrets of Xen'drik 2006/08 Dungeon Tiles 2006/08 Dragons of Faerûn 2006/08 Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords 2006/09 D&D Basic Game (revised) 2006/09 Dragon Magic 2006/09 Faiths of Eberron 2006/09 Twilight Tomb 2006/10 Complete Mage 2006/10 Expedition to Castle Ravenloft 2006/10 Monster Manual (Special Edition) 2006/11 Cityscape: An Essential Guide to Urban Adventuring 2006/11 Dragonmarked 2006/11 Scourge of the Howling Horde 2006/11 Arcane Corridors: Dungeon Tiles 2006/12 Dungeons & Dragons: The Complete Animated Series 2006/12 Fantastic Locations: The Frostfell Rift 2006/12 Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells 2006/12 Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde 2007/01 Complete Scoundrel 2007/02 Barrow of the Forgotten King 2007/02 Dungeonscape 2007/02 Secrets of Sarlona 2007/02 Hidden Crypts: Dungeon Tiles 2007/03 Magic Item Compendium 2007/03 Cormyr: The Tearing of the Weave 2007/04 City of Peril 2007/04 Expedition to the Demonweb Pits 2007/04 Eyes of the Lich Queen 2007/05 Complete Champion 2007/05 Drow of the Underdark 2007/05 Ruins of the Wild: Dungeon Tiles 2007/06 Expedition to Undermountain 2007/06 Forge of War 2007/06 Sinister Spire 2007/07 Monster Manual V 2007/07 Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land 2007/08 Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk 2007/09 Exemplars of Evil: Deadly Foes to Vex Your Heroes 2007/09 Fortress of the Yuan-Ti 2007/09 Grand History of the Realms 2007/09 Lost Caverns of the Underdark: Dungeon Tiles 2007/10 Dragons of Eberron 2007/10 Rules Compendium 2007/10 Dungeon Survival Guide 2007/11 Anauroch: The Empire of the Shade 2007/12 Dire Tombs: Dungeon Tiles 2007/12 Elder Evils 2008/02 City of Stormreach 2008/03 An Adventurer's Guide to Eberron 2008/03 Fane of the Forgotten Gods: Dungeon Tiles

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hmm strange, so that seem to be telling us that yes: "Underdark" is 3.5, and no "Races" are 3.0. Funny, even in my online shop for books they've go it wrong it seems :D

Anyway there is a lot of those books in 3.5 of some of them I have never even heard of. That's nice ;)

Anyways I'll try to download some kind of Errata, and see how much converting would i need to do, to turn my books into 3.5. I'll be looking forward to do what I can to switch to 3.5.

By the way, I was searching for some kind of full Errata, those given by the WOTC are not a full (quick to use) material. I don't want to convert any single creature in monster manual for example I would rather prefer to have a list of changes for them, so i could alter the info in the book by some sticky notes or semthing like this. Would You happen to have some kind of material like this?

FerretDave commented 10 years ago

I am surprised by the release order of those books, I thought it was quite different... my bad.

Errata - I used these:

ghost commented 10 years ago

Thanks Dave,

Yes i know this source, well it seems that there is no easy way, and that I'll need to redo those monsters manually. Damn it :D

BahamutDragon commented 10 years ago

Added Halflings subraces to the Combined FRCS and PG set. I will be implementing Andrew's newest method where the base default is assigned, and then COST:0 for an alternative subrace. Shouldn't have any impact on existing characters.