BahamutoD / BDArmory

Gun turrets and other weapon systems for KSP
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Request AJE and FAR Enhancements. #26

Open svm420 opened 8 years ago

svm420 commented 8 years ago

Just want to post my request here so it has better visibility in the future. I was hoping post 1.1 you would be able to add support for AJE to control AB/Throttle. Keeping ABs off unless speed is really needed.

On the FAR front flap control would be a nice enhancement at least for takeoff and landing if that is a thing not sure if that ever got implemented.


Shuudoushi commented 8 years ago

Iirc, @ferram4 and @BahamutoD has the AB thing in the latest build. So if you could edit your post to have a check list in it, things can be marked off more easily.

svm420 commented 8 years ago

@Shuudoushi Not for AJE just stock