BaiShuanghao / Prompt-based-Distribution-Alignment

[AAAI 2024] Prompt-based Distribution Alignment for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
MIT License
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add a new dataset #3

Open zhouyaqian666 opened 8 months ago

zhouyaqian666 commented 8 months ago

Hello, When I added a new dataset MI3DOR, the error" ValueError: The requested one is expected to belong to ['Digit5', 'VisDA17', 'CIFARSTL', 'Office31', 'DomainNet', 'OfficeHome', 'miniDomainNet', 'PACS', 'VLCS', 'FMoW', 'IWildCam', 'Camelyon17', 'CIFAR10C', 'CIFAR100C', 'DigitsDG', 'DigitSingle', 'OfficeHomeDG', 'CIFAR10', 'CIFAR100', 'SVHN', 'STL10'], but got [MI3DOR] (do you mean [CIFAR10]?)”. How to correctly add a new dataset? Thanks.

BaiShuanghao commented 8 months ago

The code is based on the dassl library. There are some examples in the link of the library, and you can refer to these examples. By the way, you need to add @DATASET_REGISTRY.register() before the definition of the class to register your own dataset.