Baizey / UniversalAutomaticCurrencyConverter

A currency converter for chrome and firefox which supports a large amount of currencies and can automatically convert websites
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Add support for convertion as a formula from the price #16

Open EmmanuelMess opened 4 years ago

EmmanuelMess commented 4 years ago

Here in Argentina the official USD is 75.75 ARG, but if you were to buy one, you'd be charged 98.47ARG. That is because there is a tax (called 'PAIS') on foreign currencies. Could support for this be added?

Baizey commented 4 years ago

There is already some support for this, you can change the conversion rate under "custom display"

this does however not take into context if the currency converted is foreign or not and could be a potential new feature

EmmanuelMess commented 4 years ago

There is already some support for this, you can change the conversion rate under "custom display"

Can you add a new currency as a proportion of another one? For example: 1.3 * (ARS price in USD)

Baizey commented 4 years ago

You can currently do this (althou not just for ARS in USD) with the conversiona rate.

If you set 'convert to currency' as USD and use the custom display with conversion rate at 1.3 then you would get this formula