Baizey / UniversalAutomaticCurrencyConverter

A currency converter for chrome and firefox which supports a large amount of currencies and can automatically convert websites
36 stars 12 forks source link

Enhance Iranian Market Rates #57

Open alircxa opened 12 months ago

alircxa commented 12 months ago

Hello there.

I wanted to bring to your attention a suggestion regarding your currency converter extension for Chrome. Currently, the extension relies on official market currency rates for Iran, which do not align with real market exchange rates used in daily transactions. I propose incorporating "Bonbast" as a reliable source for accurate and up-to-date currency rates specific to Iran. This enhancement would greatly benefit your Iranian users by providing them with more realistic and useful currency conversions.

Thank you for considering this suggestion. I appreciate your dedication to improving your extension and look forward to seeing further enhancements.

Best regards

YOKARAMANE commented 12 months ago

It would be nice to add a custom currency exchange rate feature