Baldhor / Homey-ESPhome-Enhanced

This is an Homey app which adds support for ESPHome devices. ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. More information on their homepage:
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

Buttons not been read #1

Closed OneGoogus closed 1 year ago

OneGoogus commented 1 year ago

Hi Baldhor

Could you assist me on why current high and buttons are not loaded in Homey?

in the yaml for my device I have sensor, which your app reads perfectly, but then I have numbers and buttons which are not displayed in the app. but when I add to Home Assistent, it adds them without any problems.

How do I progress?

` uart: id: uart_desk baud_rate: 115200 tx_pin: D0 rx_pin: D1




Baldhor commented 1 year ago

@OneGoogus The app supports switch, sensor and cover for now. I do not have "press button", but I think I could add it within minutes if I have enough information on their behaviours. The problem is how to collect those information ... I'm trying to add support to the app to make it easier, but I still have lot of work on it.

In the meantime the only solution would be for you to install the app from the command line, so you can collect the logs. Would you be able to do so ?

I made a wiki page quickly, hopefully it will help!

Baldhor commented 1 year ago

@OneGoogus I added support for button in a test version:

I have good hope about it, but I cannot test it myself.

Note 1: the button in homey doesn't update when you press it on the device! Because it is considered "too fast". However, if you press it on homey side, it should send the command to the device! I think it's the behaviour you expect!

Note 2: During pairing, the entity will not appear in the list (only measure appear in the list), same as switch and cover. However, the capability should be added to the device, and the cards (flow, action, ...) should be available!

Happy testing, and please let us know if it works!

OneGoogus commented 1 year ago

Hi Baldhor.

Sorry I did not see the previous post. But it seems your changes worked. All buttons works just like a toggle, desk moving to the saved positions, reboot, recalibrating and settings of new max and min height settings works like a charm. image

The only thing missing is the number in the yaml, which in Home Assistant is a slider. So im not sure how to progress that in Homey.


Baldhor commented 1 year ago

@OneGoogus You are talking about the slider ? It would be another type of capability I think. Like a dimmer.

If at least it's ok for the button, I can publish officially version 0.3.1. => Please confirm!

As for the dimmer, let's open another enhancement request :) => I will need your yaml configuration and logs :)

OneGoogus commented 1 year ago

Confirmed. I open up another request for the slider / dimmer.

Baldhor commented 1 year ago

@OneGoogus There are some bugs on Homey side currently, but I think 0.3.1 is now live. Please post a comment in homey store to give more visibility to the app :)