Baldhor / Homey-ESPhome-Enhanced

This is an Homey app which adds support for ESPHome devices. ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. More information on their homepage:
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

Support of dynamic list of values #53

Open Baldhor opened 8 months ago

Baldhor commented 8 months ago

There are a big issue in regards to Climate component. A climate component includes a lot of attributs which are "list of values": swing mode, fan mode, preset, and so on. In Homey, it is impossible to have those values dynamic, they mmust be know at programming time, which is just not possible when we consider ESPhome devices ... => It's the whole discussion we had with @RoadXY above ...

Currently, you just cannot configure those, it will not work, so you are limited to the temperature, or simple things like it. I will try to implement today the possibility to manipulate them through flows. And I will create another enhancement thread to continue the discussion about a possible "workaround". But to be honest, I'm in very bad mood because of this limitation, and I'm thinking about giving up and switch to Home Assistant ...

Originally posted by @Baldhor in

Baldhor commented 8 months ago

This limitation aply also to Select component, which are also list of values.

RoadXY commented 8 months ago


Baldhor commented 8 months ago

@RoadXY So WeeJeWel is an Athom developper or something like that, I don't understand what edge use case he is talking about. Worst case, the selected option will not be valid anymore, which is the same use case as using flow cards, and the dev of the app (me for ESPhome) is responsabile to handle it ... => Either they give us dynamic values through capabilityOptions or through an autocomplete functions (like for flow cards), in both cases, it's the responsability of the developper to handle error cases.

I'm sorry I don't have access to Slack, it just fail when I try to access it.

Main argument, many users are switching to Home Assistant because of this constraint! (speaking for myself, I'm already choosing my new hardware to do so)

Baldhor commented 8 months ago

found my way to slack: harassment mode turned on

RoadXY commented 8 months ago

Weejewel is the co-founder of Homey

Baldhor commented 8 months ago


In the meantime ... what? :) Trigger, Condition and Action seems to be working, the only workaround left on the list is using Media component.

As a reminder, the limitation of using Media component are: 1/ Need to match many capabilities (5?) 2/ Only one per device

I'm not going to propose an "all in one" shortcut for the user, it would take took much time to implement "just for a workaround".

RoadXY commented 8 months ago

What about a ESPhome - climate device next to the current wizard driver device?

Baldhor commented 8 months ago


What about a ESPhome - climate device next to the current wizard driver device?

The problem is that the values are dynamic, it depends of the device itself I could make some custom capabilties with "standard" values, and just make them available when it match. Worst case, I could make custom capabilites "on request", with the values that match the user need, but it's like a one by one process ...

Honestly, I'm unpaid here ... it needs to be considered too

Baldhor commented 8 months ago

on hold: Homey doesn't allow dynamic enum (list of values), in the meantime, the only solution is to request a custom enum

Open a custom enum request

It will cost you a beer or two ...
