Baldhor / Homey-ESPhome-Enhanced

This is an Homey app which adds support for ESPHome devices. ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. More information on their homepage:
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 3 forks source link

no capabilities in the menu #58

Closed Ulysses-nl closed 7 months ago

Ulysses-nl commented 7 months ago


Thanks for creating this awesome app!

I would like to get in touch with you since i cant seem to install it correctly.

I am trying to get It to work to support our community. but Im having troubles installing the first physical device since it seems that in the capabilities menu i cant select anything. It might be that i am not seeing something but since i simply do not have the expertise needed for this.

i have been trying for hours but the list seems to be empty.

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 16 14 12
Baldhor commented 7 months ago

Hello @Ulysses-nl, there are must be a reason for it. Can you use the collect debug ingo function from the manage your physical devices page?

Do you know which version of the app you have installed currently?

Ulysses-nl commented 7 months ago

Thanks for helping Baldhor.

{ "physicalDeviceId": "Wizard1697358172318", "physicalDevice": { "physicalDeviceId": "Wizard1697358172318", "status": "new", "used": false, "name": "test", "ipAddress": "", "port": "6053", "encryptionKey": "", "password": "", "nativeCapabilities": [], "rawData": [] } }

Homey version 10.0.2 ESPHOME 1.1.13

Baldhor commented 7 months ago

@Ulysses-nl well, seems your device doesn't have any native capabilities :) Like if you uploaded a firmware with only the basic configuration, like this one:

Can you check your device through a webbrowser ?=>

And if you are sure it should have native capabilities, then enable please :

Baldhor commented 7 months ago

Also maybe is it because your entities do not have a name. For exemple:

  # Relays
  - id: relay1
    platform: gpio
    name: relay1

Without a name, this switch would be invisible from the application (not published through the native api of the device)

Baldhor commented 7 months ago

@Ulysses-nl No answer, closing, please reopen if needed (or back)

Ulysses-nl commented 7 months ago

Hi Baldhor.

thank you for your support.

i had some trouble getting it to work but now it seems to be working. i had to first get ESPhome working and for this I installed Home Assistant. There I compiled the code having capabilities and then adding the device to Homey.

Thank you for creating this software and If you are ever in France welcome to drop by the Catfarm Community.