Baldhor / Homey-ESPhome-Enhanced

This is an Homey app which adds support for ESPHome devices. ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems. More information on their homepage:
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 3 forks source link

600783aa-d00c-4a5c-bba5-adbc99bb222b #83

Closed Finansvalp closed 4 months ago

Finansvalp commented 6 months ago

Red triangles when starting homey and need to restart the app To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to '...'
  2. Click on '....'
  3. Scroll down to '....'
  4. See error

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. You can use the "collect debug info" feature to attach relevant data to the issue: User Guide

Baldhor commented 6 months ago

@Finansvalp I do not reproduce your issue. You are very short on explaination ...

Baldhor commented 6 months ago

Looking at the log you sent, my best bet is that your ESPhome device send a message which is not in this supported list:

const id_to_type =
    1: 'HelloRequest',
    2: 'HelloResponse',
    3: 'ConnectRequest',
    4: 'ConnectResponse',
    5: 'DisconnectRequest',
    6: 'DisconnectResponse',
    7: 'PingRequest',
    8: 'PingResponse',
    9: 'DeviceInfoRequest',
    10: 'DeviceInfoResponse',
    11: 'ListEntitiesRequest',
    12: 'ListEntitiesBinarySensorResponse',
    13: 'ListEntitiesCoverResponse',
    14: 'ListEntitiesFanResponse',
    15: 'ListEntitiesLightResponse',
    16: 'ListEntitiesSensorResponse',
    17: 'ListEntitiesSwitchResponse',
    18: 'ListEntitiesTextSensorResponse',
    19: 'ListEntitiesDoneResponse',
    20: 'SubscribeStatesRequest',
    21: 'BinarySensorStateResponse',
    22: 'CoverStateResponse',
    23: 'FanStateResponse',
    24: 'LightStateResponse',
    25: 'SensorStateResponse',
    26: 'SwitchStateResponse',
    27: 'TextSensorStateResponse',
    28: 'SubscribeLogsRequest',
    29: 'SubscribeLogsResponse',
    30: 'CoverCommandRequest',
    31: 'FanCommandRequest',
    32: 'LightCommandRequest',
    33: 'SwitchCommandRequest',
    34: 'SubscribeHomeassistantServicesRequest',
    35: 'HomeassistantServiceResponse',
    36: 'GetTimeRequest',
    37: 'GetTimeResponse',
    38: 'SubscribeHomeAssistantStatesRequest',
    39: 'SubscribeHomeAssistantStateResponse',
    40: 'HomeAssistantStateResponse',
    41: 'ListEntitiesServicesResponse',
    42: 'ExecuteServiceRequest',
    43: 'ListEntitiesCameraResponse',
    44: 'CameraImageResponse',
    45: 'CameraImageRequest',
    46: 'ListEntitiesClimateResponse',
    47: 'ClimateStateResponse',
    48: 'ClimateCommandRequest',
    49: 'ListEntitiesNumberResponse',
    50: 'NumberStateResponse',
    51: 'NumberCommandRequest',
    52: 'ListEntitiesSelectResponse',
    53: 'SelectStateResponse',
    54: 'SelectCommandRequest',
    55: 'ListEntitiesSirenResponse',
    56: 'SirenStateResponse',
    57: 'SirenCommandRequest',
    58: 'ListEntitiesLockResponse',
    59: 'LockStateResponse',
    60: 'LockCommandRequest',
    61: 'ListEntitiesButtonResponse',
    62: 'ButtonCommandRequest',
    63: 'ListEntitiesMediaPlayerResponse',
    64: 'MediaPlayerStateResponse',
    65: 'MediaPlayerCommandRequest',
    66: 'SubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest',
    67: 'BluetoothLEAdvertisementResponse',
    68: 'BluetoothDeviceRequest',
    69: 'BluetoothDeviceConnectionResponse',
    70: 'BluetoothGATTGetServicesRequest',
    71: 'BluetoothGATTGetServicesResponse',
    72: 'BluetoothGATTGetServicesDoneResponse',
    73: 'BluetoothGATTReadRequest',
    74: 'BluetoothGATTReadResponse',
    75: 'BluetoothGATTWriteRequest',
    76: 'BluetoothGATTReadDescriptorRequest',
    77: 'BluetoothGATTWriteDescriptorRequest',
    78: 'BluetoothGATTNotifyRequest',
    79: 'BluetoothGATTNotifyDataResponse',
    80: 'SubscribeBluetoothConnectionsFreeRequest',
    81: 'BluetoothConnectionsFreeResponse',
    82: 'BluetoothGATTErrorResponse',
    83: 'BluetoothGATTWriteResponse',
    84: 'BluetoothGATTNotifyResponse',
    85: 'BluetoothDevicePairingResponse',
    86: 'BluetoothDeviceUnpairingResponse',
    87: 'UnsubscribeBluetoothLEAdvertisementsRequest',
    88: 'BluetoothDeviceClearCacheResponse',
    93: 'BluetoothLERawAdvertisementsResponse',
    97: 'ListEntitiesTextResponse',
    98: 'TextStateResponse',
    99: 'TextCommandRequest'

Any idea?

Baldhor commented 6 months ago

@Finansvalp Can you provide the yaml configuration file of your ESPhome device?

Baldhor commented 4 months ago

no news, closing