Baldinof / roadrunner-bundle

A RoadRunner worker integrated in your Symfony app
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Problem with sessions #114

Open webspec2012 opened 1 year ago

webspec2012 commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon! Faced a problem with using sessions.

I use Symfony 6.2.

Sometimes it works fine, and sometimes the session is recreated every time. The problem does not reproduce if the application is running in DEV mode. And also if you run it in PROD mode, but set `http.pool.num_workers = 1'.

Changing kernel_reboot.strategy to always does not lead to anything.

Baldinof commented 1 year ago


I tried on a fresh project, and it seems to be working with default configuration.

What version of this package and Symfony are you using?

Can you share your session config in config/packages/framework.yaml?

webspec2012 commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon!

Im use:


        name: 'rtsid'
        handler_id: app.sessions.handler
        cookie_secure: auto
        cookie_samesite: lax


        class: \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter
            $redis: '@app.sessions.redis'

        class: App\FrontendWeb\Security\WebSession\WebSessionRedisHandler
            $webSessionCache: '@app.sessions.cache'
Baldinof commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to see the code in WebSessionRedisHandler?

webspec2012 commented 1 year ago


namespace App\FrontendWeb\Security\WebSession;

use Psr\Cache\CacheException;
use Psr\Cache\InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisTagAwareAdapter;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Storage\Handler\AbstractSessionHandler;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Http\RememberMe\RememberMeDetails;

 * Web Session Redis Handler
final class WebSessionRedisHandler extends AbstractSessionHandler
     * @var RedisTagAwareAdapter Web Session Cache
    private RedisTagAwareAdapter $webSessionCache;

     * @var Security Security
    private Security $security;

     * @var RequestStack Request Stack
    private RequestStack $requestStack;

     * @var LoggerInterface Logger
    private LoggerInterface $logger;

     * @var string Префикс redis ключей
    private string $prefix;

     * @var int|null Время жизни в секундах
    private ?int $ttl = null;

     * List of available options:
     *  * prefix: The prefix to use for the keys in order to avoid collision on the Redis server
     *  * ttl: The time to live in seconds.
     * @param RedisTagAwareAdapter $webSessionCache Web Session Cache
     * @param Security $security Security
     * @param RequestStack $requestStack Request Stack
     * @param LoggerInterface $logger Logger
     * @param array $options Options
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When unsupported client or options are passed
    public function __construct(
        RedisTagAwareAdapter $webSessionCache,
        Security $security,
        RequestStack $requestStack,
        LoggerInterface $logger,
        array $options = [],
        if ($diff = \array_diff(\array_keys($options), ['prefix', 'ttl'])) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException(\sprintf('Указанные параметры не поддерживаются "%s".', \implode(', ', $diff)));

        $this->webSessionCache = $webSessionCache;
        $this->security = $security;
        $this->requestStack = $requestStack;
        $this->logger = $logger;

        if (isset($options['prefix']) && \is_string($options['prefix'])) {
            $this->prefix = $options['prefix'];
        } else {
            $this->prefix = 'sf_s';

        if (isset($options['ttl']) && \is_int($options['ttl'])) {
            $this->ttl = $options['ttl'];
        } else {
            $this->ttl = (int) \ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime');

     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    protected function doRead(string $sessionId): string
        $cacheItem = $this->webSessionCache->getItem($this->prefix.$sessionId);
        if ($cacheItem->isHit()) {
            return (string) $cacheItem->get();

        return '';

     * @throws InvalidArgumentException|CacheException В случае ошибки
    protected function doWrite(string $sessionId, string $data): bool
        return $this->saveData($sessionId, $data);

     * @throws InvalidArgumentException|CacheException В случае ошибки
    protected function doDestroy(string $sessionId): bool
        return $this->webSessionCache->delete($this->prefix.$sessionId);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function close(): bool
        return true;

    public function gc(int $maxlifetime): int|false
        return 0;

     * @throws InvalidArgumentException|CacheException В случае ошибки
    public function updateTimestamp(string $sessionId, string $data): bool
        return $this->saveData($sessionId, $data);

     * @param string $sessionId Идентификатор сессии
     * @param string $data Данные сессии
     * @return bool Обновление данных сессии
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException|CacheException В случае ошибки
    private function saveData(string $sessionId, string $data): bool
        $cacheItem = $this->webSessionCache->getItem($this->prefix.$sessionId);

        // tagged session
        $tags = [];

        if ($user = $this->security->getUser()) {
            $tags[] = 'user-'.$user->getUserIdentifier();

        $token = $this->security->getToken();
        if ($token && $token->hasAttribute('usid')) {
            $tags[] = 'usid-'.(string) $token->getAttribute('usid');

        $request = $this->requestStack->getMainRequest();
        if ($request && $usidt = $this->getUserSessionTokenId($request)) {
            $tags[] = 'usidt-'.\str_replace(['{','}','(',')','/','\\','@',':'], '_', $usidt);

        if (!empty($tags)) {

        $this->logger->debug(\sprintf("%s: %s, tags: %s", __METHOD__, $this->prefix.$sessionId, \implode(', ', $tags)));

        return $this->webSessionCache->save($cacheItem);

     * @param Request $request Request
     * @return string|null User Session Token Id
    protected function getUserSessionTokenId(Request $request): ?string
        if (!$rawCookie = $request->cookies->get('rmt')) {
            return null;

        list($seriesId, ) = \explode(':', RememberMeDetails::fromRawCookie((string) $rawCookie)->getValue());
        return $seriesId;